The very first book is called "The Teachings Shuruppak"
first Sumerian and Egyptian texts dated to the second half of the IV millennium BC. e. However, it was not a book in the full sense of the word, but only a few entries. In contrast, "Teachings Shuruppak" (about 2600 BC. E.) - A full-fledged literary monument. This cuneiform tablet contains instructions Sumerian king Shuruppak (which, however, are unlikely to exist in reality), his son Ziusudra. The first exactly dated printed book - Buddhist "Diamond Sutra" - was published May 11 868 years. This five-meter roll of paper filled with hieroglyphics discovered in China in 1907. If the book is not considered scrolls and plaques, and bonded together sheets, the most ancient Etruscans created the book. It was made around 600 BC. e. and consists of six gold plates connected by two gold rings. The book was found in the middle of the last century grave discovered during the construction of the channel in the valley of the Struma River in Bulgaria. Etruscan language is not deciphered, so the content of the works can only guess. In addition to text on sheets engraved image: rider, a mermaid, a lyre and warriors.
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