Students derived a formula perfect Christmas tree

Students from the University of Sheffield derived a formula the perfect Christmas tree. They are carefully and meticulously studied the various nuances concerning the selection and design of a New Year's tree, and as a result came to certain conclusions, which are presented to the wider audience.
In the role of researchers made 20-year-old students of the Faculty of Mathematics Raytem Nicole and Alex Craig, who conducted their study commissioned by online stores.
According to calculations, the Christmas tree is decorating 37 balls. Without fail it is necessary to decorate the top of a toy in the shape of a star or angel, the amount of which shall not exceed one-tenth of the total height of the tree.
At the same time, according to the authors of the study, the optimal length of tinsel for the tree is 920 centimeters. But in order to get the ideal length garlands, multiply the height of the tree in centimeters by a constant P (3, 14). For example, if the tree height is 183 centimeters, for its decoration required garland length 574 cm.
via factroom.ru
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