The brain can "edit" the experience gained with the help of the subconscious

Within half a second after the object disappears from view, the brain can "edit" the related experience to remember this object, according to French researchers. This finding may explain the strange sensation when you try to remember that what seems to be heard when something, even if consciously you do not remember it.
The study refutes the notion that the brain receives sensory information sequentially, processes it, and then consciously draws from her experience. It should reject the idea that consciousness is like a movie in your head, with a consistent frame processing, and that as soon as the treatment is made, you get the finished film, which looks. Edit the information obtained could go further. This is due to the peculiarities of our perception.
According to study author Claire Sergent, people perceive information from their hearing and sight automatically, for the most part unaware of it consciously. But the consciousness and perception can be more difficult than we used to think.
The researchers conducted an experiment involving 18 students. Participants were shown a group of lines within the circle on the right or left side of the screen and then disappear. Sometimes the lines were too faint to be seen can be realized, in other cases, the lines were quite crisp. In those cases, when the lines were very pale, the researchers specifically pay attention to those places where the lines were visible for a short time and a little darkened circle - half a second created the contrast between the circle and the background, and then the "mark of attention" disappeared.
After that, students were asked to tell what they saw. When the researchers asked about those places where there is a line, the subjects often said that they saw them all the time quite clearly. In essence, the participants experienced a retro-perception, a strange experience in which their brains are added lines to their conscious memory even after the lines have disappeared.
So far it is not known how people can edit your conscious thoughts have after something seen or heard, but scientists hope that the discovery could prove useful in the study of new disciplines - for example, when studying a foreign language.
via factroom.ru
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