Cockroaches are very scrupulous in relation to personal care

Most people can not stand the kind of nasty cockroaches. We associate them with dirt and filth, and yet these insects also give a lot of time taking care of their own hygiene.
Cockroach whiskers can grow up to three centimeters in length, nearly two-thirds of his body. They are quite flexible and sensitive, so the cockroach uses them for a thorough cleaning of each segment of chitin carapace and its many legs. Researchers from the University of North Carolina studied the habits of the insect with respect to personal care - all adhering to his body muck it cleans very scrupulously. Moreover, cockroach so not only removes dirt from the body, but also foreign chemicals with whiskers and also cleans excess hydrocarbons with a protective layer of the shell to prevent loss of water.
Similar habit of cleaning the body and show other kinds of insects, such as flies and ants.
Open pores on the whiskers help cockroaches respond to environmental stimuli. In particular, the cockroaches are capable of using long to catch the surrounding odors, including the presence in the air fragrance of sex pheromones, which helps them to find a partner. Like humans, cockroaches look after themselves more and to be more attractive.
It is unlikely that all of this will help you not shudder with disgust the next time you find a cockroach in my house, but at least you can be sure that they are trying to stay clean - at least in order to impress the opposite sex.
via factroom.ru
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