It created a microchip that can "heal" themselves after injury

microchips - so complicated and fragile technology that can break because the slightest error, completely stopping all work. However, the California Institute of Technology engineers managed to circumvent this drawback - they have developed a chip with 100,000 transistors that do not work all at once, and alternately.
To test his invention, the researchers burned vast areas of transistors with a laser. While the laser does not hit the area where the cached data, the chip could look for alternative routes, and continued to operate. With the help of integrated circuits for specific applications chip can "remember" exactly what routes become inaccessible, and adjust itself according to this.
This technology is similar in principle of the human brain. If one path becomes unavailable, the brain opens up new ways of transmitting information. Of course, any system, whether it is the brain or chip, can cause catastrophic damage, after which she will not be able to recover, but the 100,000 transistors still do a microchip is extremely reliable.
However, to really "live" as long as the chip can not be named - it can not regenerate over time. Laser burned areas will remain burned, and in contrast to the biological tissue, each chip has a limited shelf life.
via factroom.ru
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