YOU will be shocked! Chipizatsiya population of Earth has begun!
Well, rushed?.. Everything predicted in the Bible began.
The company "Applied digital solutions" (ADS) announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting produced by the firm microchip under the skin of children. ADS launches operating at high radio frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice that allow you to track everything — from goods to people. It is called "miracle of technology" "VeriChip".
23 October last year, the Ministry of defense announced that it is beginning to use radio frequency identification devices (RCIU), and this year, RCIA begin to establish on the goods sold in stores the largest us retailers Walmart. It is hard to doubt that soon would follow and attempt to use the "VeriChip" to identify first children and then adults. The Ministry of defence claims that RCIUmore effectively to account for military equipment, so they will be attached to everything that goes to the army, with the exception of sand, gravel, liquids, etc. Soldiers to implant microchips until. At least not in the United States. But in other countries "VeriChip" is already widely used to track people.
The company ADS there is a program, which translated into Russian is called "Verlieben". In this programme, children with a syringe implanted under the skin "VeriChip", which sends a radio signal at a frequency of 125 kilohertz. This signal is sent to a special scanners that read through it the identification number of the child and establish his identity on the database. If "marked" so the child was kidnapped or if he is simply lost, the authorities will install the scanners in those places where it most likely can be found in shopping malls, at bus stops, airports, railway stations , etc. Brazil And Mexico have begun to implant children "VeriChip", as they say, in order to ensure child safety.In Brazil "VeriChip" will be to implant and adults as a building passes — first in office, and subsequently in living.
According to leading experts of the company "Applied digital solutions" 2070 "VeriChip" will completely replace the attributes of modern society, as paper money and ID, and will be the main tool of communication of man with the surrounding electronic world. Using "VeriChip" people will pay for travel in all modes of transport and to obtain or not to obtain access to it. Using "VeriChip" he's going to check in for flights on the plane without filling in any papers. Using "VeriChip" employees will receive accruals on your account and deduct from there funds for various purchases. Also with the help of "VeriChip" the healthcare system will implement controls, information exchange and emergency care to all citizens on the planet. "VeriChip" will open to man new horizons of service and comfort of existence – say the experts of the company.
Thus, already today the global plan of pretending to be in life. Implantation of microchips, starting with hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. Human rights activists see this as a threat to civil liberties and violation of privacy. And this is quite natural. No one admits that now the microchip can be connected to any database and to provide full information about its holder, including financial and medical. In addition, the position of the microchip on the planet can easily be tracked by satellite 24 hours a day. Soon, the police don't even have to stop the man on the street in order to interrogate him. It will be enough to scan his microchip, and the whole history of his life would be, pardon the pun involuntary, at a glance. Subsequently, the scanners will also be installed on the forks of the highway, in libraries, in schools and in stores absolutely everywhere.
In the end, the "chipizatsiya" companies will erase such notions as "personality" and "freedom". Everyone become just a number in an electronic database. The degree of control which may be exercised over society, the will exceed all the limits imaginable today.
Not only that, all human life, down to the time of exit and entry into a private shower will be recorded in electronic databases. Not only that, this database will be recorded, how often, in what the supermarket, at what price and what size condoms you buy. Ultimately, the chip will give the opportunity to simply erase you from this society with one button... One button will close for you all doors in all types of transport, all boundaries, all buildings public and private purposes, all access to food through shops and supermarkets, access to information and electronic networks.One single button will control your entire life from birth to death. SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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"And he will make that everything, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or on his forehead, and he will make it so that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."Source: "Revelations"
St. John The Theologian (Rev. 13:16-17)
Thus, long ago discredited religion, as if warning us about what was known thousands of years ago from unknown sources. Knows as sure as he knew Christianity about the 25,000-year cycle of the precession of the change which modern science has been able to calculate only at the beginning of the 18th century, and also exactly how Islam knew about the periodic inversion of the magnetic poles of the earth, which seriously and with growing alarm talking only in the 20th century... Maybe religious texts and myths still contain filed in the figurative form of priceless knowledge, lowered to the level of understanding of mankind of those times and presented to him at this level? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dal.by/news/2/14-12-11-16/
The company "Applied digital solutions" (ADS) announced that Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting produced by the firm microchip under the skin of children. ADS launches operating at high radio frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice that allow you to track everything — from goods to people. It is called "miracle of technology" "VeriChip".
23 October last year, the Ministry of defense announced that it is beginning to use radio frequency identification devices (RCIU), and this year, RCIA begin to establish on the goods sold in stores the largest us retailers Walmart. It is hard to doubt that soon would follow and attempt to use the "VeriChip" to identify first children and then adults. The Ministry of defence claims that RCIUmore effectively to account for military equipment, so they will be attached to everything that goes to the army, with the exception of sand, gravel, liquids, etc. Soldiers to implant microchips until. At least not in the United States. But in other countries "VeriChip" is already widely used to track people.

The company ADS there is a program, which translated into Russian is called "Verlieben". In this programme, children with a syringe implanted under the skin "VeriChip", which sends a radio signal at a frequency of 125 kilohertz. This signal is sent to a special scanners that read through it the identification number of the child and establish his identity on the database. If "marked" so the child was kidnapped or if he is simply lost, the authorities will install the scanners in those places where it most likely can be found in shopping malls, at bus stops, airports, railway stations , etc. Brazil And Mexico have begun to implant children "VeriChip", as they say, in order to ensure child safety.In Brazil "VeriChip" will be to implant and adults as a building passes — first in office, and subsequently in living.
According to leading experts of the company "Applied digital solutions" 2070 "VeriChip" will completely replace the attributes of modern society, as paper money and ID, and will be the main tool of communication of man with the surrounding electronic world. Using "VeriChip" people will pay for travel in all modes of transport and to obtain or not to obtain access to it. Using "VeriChip" he's going to check in for flights on the plane without filling in any papers. Using "VeriChip" employees will receive accruals on your account and deduct from there funds for various purchases. Also with the help of "VeriChip" the healthcare system will implement controls, information exchange and emergency care to all citizens on the planet. "VeriChip" will open to man new horizons of service and comfort of existence – say the experts of the company.
Thus, already today the global plan of pretending to be in life. Implantation of microchips, starting with hospitals and prisons, is becoming more and more widespread. Human rights activists see this as a threat to civil liberties and violation of privacy. And this is quite natural. No one admits that now the microchip can be connected to any database and to provide full information about its holder, including financial and medical. In addition, the position of the microchip on the planet can easily be tracked by satellite 24 hours a day. Soon, the police don't even have to stop the man on the street in order to interrogate him. It will be enough to scan his microchip, and the whole history of his life would be, pardon the pun involuntary, at a glance. Subsequently, the scanners will also be installed on the forks of the highway, in libraries, in schools and in stores absolutely everywhere.
In the end, the "chipizatsiya" companies will erase such notions as "personality" and "freedom". Everyone become just a number in an electronic database. The degree of control which may be exercised over society, the will exceed all the limits imaginable today.
Not only that, all human life, down to the time of exit and entry into a private shower will be recorded in electronic databases. Not only that, this database will be recorded, how often, in what the supermarket, at what price and what size condoms you buy. Ultimately, the chip will give the opportunity to simply erase you from this society with one button... One button will close for you all doors in all types of transport, all boundaries, all buildings public and private purposes, all access to food through shops and supermarkets, access to information and electronic networks.One single button will control your entire life from birth to death. SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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"And he will make that everything, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or on his forehead, and he will make it so that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."Source: "Revelations"
St. John The Theologian (Rev. 13:16-17)
Thus, long ago discredited religion, as if warning us about what was known thousands of years ago from unknown sources. Knows as sure as he knew Christianity about the 25,000-year cycle of the precession of the change which modern science has been able to calculate only at the beginning of the 18th century, and also exactly how Islam knew about the periodic inversion of the magnetic poles of the earth, which seriously and with growing alarm talking only in the 20th century... Maybe religious texts and myths still contain filed in the figurative form of priceless knowledge, lowered to the level of understanding of mankind of those times and presented to him at this level? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dal.by/news/2/14-12-11-16/