The women talk more than men because of the FOXP2 protein
The average woman speaks 20,000 words a day, and men - about 7 000. This means that a talkative woman of the year gives 4, 7 million words - eight times more, than all the volumes of "War and Peace." It is likely that this phenomenon has a biological basis.
The team of neurologists and psychologists, led by Margaret McCarthy, studied rats on the sole responsibility for the use of voice protein FOXP2. In male rats, usually the protein content in the brain was higher than in females. Cubs male rats squeak more and thus get more attention from their mothers. People also turned out to be just the opposite - in the brains of girls FOXP2 protein is 30% more than boys, and because, as a rule, girls are much more talkative. Thus, the need to express our thoughts really directly connected with the floor.
via factroom.ru
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