In Estonia, the share of blue-residents is 99%
Initially, all the people on Earth were brown-eyed. Blue eyes - the result of mutations, which in ancient times was subjected to our old ancestor. A similar mutation - blond hair, as is typical for people of darker hair color.
Light eyes are considered particularly beautiful, perhaps due to the fact that in some regions of the world, they are extremely rare. But Estonia certainly does not apply to such regions. This small European country has the highest percentage of people with blue eyes - 99%, according to Professor Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen.
Also, blue-eyed people are very much in Denmark - 85% -90%, and in Germany - 75% of the population. The researchers concluded that blue eyes prevailed among our ancestors who lived in several parts of the world - on the territory of modern Ireland, the Baltic Sea, Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, as well as some parts of West Asia, primarily in Afghanistan, India, and Syria.
via factroom.ru