77 facts about Estonia through the eyes of Russians

Writes LJ Blogersha paemurru:
1. The name of the capital of Estonia means "Danish city» (Tallinn - Taani («Danish») linn («city»).
2. And, although this view is the most common, there are more options such as - «tali linn» («Winter Castle") or «talu linn» («manor house-castle"). < br />
3. Until now, Russian debate on how to write correctly Tallinn - with one "n" or two.
4. The melody of the anthem of Estonia is absolutely identical to the Finnish hymn tune.
5. The official language is Estonian.
6. However, in Estonia there is the city in which you want to search dooooolgo to hear Estonian language.
7. It is very difficult to find a person to about 85, born, who would not know the Russian language.
8. The country is divided into 15 counties.
9. Estonian flag blue, black and white and every color has its own meaning: blue symbolizes the sky, the sea, lakes and color national flower symbolizes fidelity + national ideas; Black - the color of earth and national Estonian jackets + reflection of all the burdens of the Estonian people; White - the color of purity, desire for freedom and hope for a better future.

10. Individually, all three colors found on the flags of other countries, but in exactly the same line-up (but in a different order), only one - the flag of Botswana.
11. In Estonia, there is a category of citizens called "stateless". And even such is the passport (alien's passport).
12. There are a lot of words and names beginning with the letter "Y».
13. Estonians has one of the largest collections of folk songs.
14. Estonia does not recognize dual citizenship.
15. But while all my friends Baltic Jews have Israeli citizenship and citizenship of Estonia.
16. The vast majority of foreigners has no idea that there is a country - after my "Frome Estonia" I usually ask again "Spain?» :)
17. Victory Day is celebrated on June 23.
18. On three sides the territory of the country is surrounded by water.
19. The structure of the Estonian part of the island in 1521.

20. In Estonia there are 11,800 marshes (over 20% of the territory), and more than 1,150 lakes.
21. The Church of St. Olaf (Old Town, Tallinn) in the 16th century was the tallest building in the world (159 m), at the moment it has a height of 123, 7 meters and, according to the decision of the City Government of Tallinn, under construction skyscrapers in the city center can not be above this :)
22. Estonian cuisine is quite specific (my mom still thinks perversion of milk soup with vegetables).
23. One of the three versions states that the Ice in 1242 occurred on the territory of Estonia.
24. In Estonia, the world's largest number of meteorite craters.
25. Estonian spas have become famous thanks to the curative mud.
26. In winter, the road is not sprinkled with "sand" and granite chips (spring granite chips are going to use for the next year).
27. The main religion in Estonia - Lutheranism.
28. The Estonian language as much as 14 plagues.
29. And in the Estonian language has no future tense.

30. But there are three versions of the past.
31. 99, 9 percent of the country is covered by GSM-net.
32. Estonia - the only country in the world where the number of mobile subscribers exceeded the population.
33. In order to obtain a secondary education, need to unlearn 12 years.
34. And in the 10-12 class are not entitled to leave in the second year because you simply expelled from school.
35. Even if you have health insurance you will treat your teeth only for the money (if you already have 19, and you are not pregnant for a period of more than 12 weeks).
36. Sometimes it is cheaper to get medical care in general not having health insurance.
37. The national flower of Estonia - cornflower, a bird - the swallow stone - limestone.
38. It is necessary to take apart "winter driving" in training for a driving license.
39. And there is no separate rule with a manual gearbox and with a gun - manual and hand over to later life we go on the machine on which your heart desires.

40. The most accurate anecdote about the Estonian climate:
- Why are not you tan? It was a sunny summer!
- I was working that day.
41. In Estonia decided to give an even number of flowers.
42. Valentine's Day is called the Day of Friends.
43. As in any language, in many of the Estonian word "cut" Russian human ear - I still do not dare say a word mudila towards the child (~ baby, toddler). Though the emphasis is placed and not how you read :)
44. It is very rare to find nestilno dressed woman: it can be a piece of natseplen mattress and a hat with horns, but it will look stylish.
45. in the long history of wars Tallinn was never taken by storm.
46. ... because the Estonians do it passed on agreed terms :)
47. Old Town of Tallinn is brought in UNESCO list of cultural attractions.
48. Estonia competes with Germany for the right to be called the birthplace of marzipan.
49. in Tallinn is the oldest pharmacy in Europe.

50. The most famous ghost of Estonia - the mysterious White Lady. White Lady - a good ghost (helps love) you can meet her only once a year.
51. Most tourists buy liquor «Vana Tallinn».
52. ... but few people know that the «Kännu kukk» no worse :)
53. The most cool knitwear can be bought in Estonia.
54. Oddly enough, there is an ostrich farm.
55. The highest point of the Baltic states is in Estonia - Suur Munamägi (318 m).
56. There are many Russian movies filmed from "The Three Musketeers" and "17 Moments of Spring" to "Lilya 4-ever».
57. Estonia regained its independence in 1991. In the same year he became a full member of the UN. It joined NATO in 2004 and in the same year - joined the European Union.
58. From 2011 switched to the euro.
59. The most sold in the last year the country's children's book is a book with a funky name "Turd and Spring» :)
60. To date, the tallest building in Estonia - Tallinn TV Tower (312 meters).

61. The most expensive machine in Estonia - Koenigsegg CCX.
62. Petrol from Russia (it is cheaper), we can not sell for this hunt and fined. Still, plenty of car rides it in the Russian fuel.
63. In Estonia, you can not copy the notes.
64. Estonia became the first country in the world where you can vote on a mobile phone.
65. where the cheapest gas in the EU.
66. In 2011, the Tallinn bears the proud title of European Capital of Culture.
67. where you pay so-called "parent salaries" - how much you earned before leaving on maternity leave, and so you will have to pay one and a half years old child.
68. In Estonia, there is no holiday 8th of March. There is virtually a clone in May - Mother's Day. But at the same time on March 8, men still armfuls of flowers :)
69. in Tallinn is the first monument in the world "007».
70. If you do not pay a few months for their own apartment (not a mortgage, your full), you will be thrown out with your own living space.
71. Absolutely all dwellings (apartments, houses) are equipped with smoke detectors, so quietly smoke unrealistic (if not previously remove the batteries from the sensor).
72. There is a law banning smoking in public places. But if you're a little stand up at any stop, then you will certainly "obdymyat».
73. Whatever is said about Swiss chocolate - Estonian most delicious in the world :)
74. The life of the Estonian army is 8 months.
75. Skype was created in Estonia (kill someone who will say "that's why he slows down»).
76. Estonians - no brakes, they simply follow the Russian proverb "7 times measure, one to cut off» :)
77. Welcome to Estonia! :)
via factroom.ru
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