Gay men can be determined by the structure of the face
Researchers at Tufts University have set a goal to understand whether people are able to identify the appearance of a man, whether he has a tendency to homosexuality. To do this, scientists have carefully analyzed the dating sites and took photos of 45 men and 45 heterosexual men, "non-traditional" orientation.
The results to be more precise, all the faces from the photographs were placed on a neutral white background. 90 persons were shown to 90 volunteers in a random order, and then they were asked to make their own judgments about the sexual orientation of every man, by clicking the appropriate button.
Surprisingly, most of the participants coped with the task and identified homosexuals correctly. Even more surprisingly, when the image appeared before the participants only 50 milliseconds, that is, to think about the answer has been no, the accuracy of determination has not diminished. To exclude erroneous data based on specific physical data of homosexuals and heterosexuals (eg, preferences in selecting the haircut), conducted a second test.
In this study, the authors used a photo from Facebook, not a dating site. Thus, the selected photos were not originally intended to be placed in a good man to his world and attracting a potential sexual partner. All hairstyles men were "doctored" in Photoshop and have become almost identical, and as a result became the only person at that participants could rely when choosing.
Results of the second test did not differ from the first - men with high probability among Gay determined total weight. Thus, it can be assumed that the existence of «Gay face» - a special type of facial structure that distinguishes gay, scientifically proven. However, while it remains unclear traits.
via factroom.ru
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