7 changes in the body and mind that will happen to you as they age

Young people may seem forgetful elderly grumpy old men with wrinkled faces, but science paints a different and more detailed picture of aging: older people tend to become happier, more liberal views and wittier.
1. You will be liberalneeSchitalos that with the appearance of wrinkles people become more ossified in their views, but research conducted in the period from 1972 to the year 2004, shows that it is not so: for this time researchers interviewed 24 thousand people, and the results show a change in attitude to the world in different age groups.
So, the older a person was, the more liberal attitude toward getting its politics, economics, race, gender, religion and sexuality.
2. Your stem cells grow old with vamiStanovitsya worse not only the skin - all cells of the body change with age: in spite of the constant renewal of stem cells and the replacement of old or damaged cells with new, they also wear out. The study, published in the journal «PLoS Biology» in the year 2007, shows that the regenerative capacity of stem cells decreases at a certain age.
During the study, researchers studied the bone marrow stem cells taken from young and old mice - these cells are transplanted to the mice, which previously marrow cells died. First, stem cells are both young and old mice restored and divided about the same rate, but then the regeneration of old cells significantly slowed down compared with the regeneration of the young. Scientists believe that genetics matter - the genes responsible for stress and illness with age in older cells become more active.
3. The need for sleep snizitsyaBylo conducted a study involving 110 healthy people five different ages: they were allowed to sleep an average of eight hours a day. This older group (from the 66 to 83 years), usually slept 20 minutes less than the average group (from 40-to 55-year-old), and they, in turn, for 20 minutes less than the younger group (from 20 to 30 years). The simplest explanation for this is that older people need less time to sleep.
There is another explanation of the research vindicated: older people need more time to go to sleep - they can not do this at once, in addition, they spend less time in deep sleep, and they have a more difficulties to maintain sleep.
In fact, more than half of men and women aged 65 years complained of insomnia.
4. You will be more likely otvlekatsyaEsli you have problems in order to abstract away extraneous information - from flashing billboards talk to a stranger on the phone's age hardly serve you well: the aging of the human ability to ignore distractions getting worse. < br />
Karen Campbell, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of Toronto and her colleagues found that the elderly, however, still can concentrate. Older people have a unique ability to "hyper-bind": they are associated with little information more important, coming to them in the same moment, - this ability improves memory.
5. deteriorated kozhiVasha skin dryabnet on reaching 50 years, from the age of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin becomes thinner, while the skin becomes less elastic and fat cells on his face in deep layers of the skin becomes less - the result is the appearance of lines and wrinkles. < br />
Various injection may for a while, "rejuvenate" the face, but the researchers believe that cosmetic procedures may not be enough.
The fact that the jaw bone, eye socket and cheekbone, too worn, which leads to sagging upper eyelids, cheeks and jaws ceasing. Perhaps some time the problem can solve bone implants, but as with any surgery, there is a risk of getting an infection, or numbness.
6. Your sense of humor is not izmenitsyaSmeh useful to the body, and for older people who still appreciate the humor, this is good news - with the proviso that they understand: according Pratiby Shammi, a psychologist from the center of geriatric care «Baycrest», aging It does not affect emotional responses to humor.
Saving affective response is important because it is an integral part of social interaction, and, in addition, has long been known that laughter improves quality of life, it helps to cope with stress and to perceive the aging process.
Fly in the ointment is that elderly people with an understanding of humor usually have more difficulty than young people - they are less susceptible to the essence of a joke.
7. Perhaps you will become a positive attitude towards zhizniStereotipnye picture grumpy old men have not found scientific evidence - old age can bring happiness to many people, although just how this conclusion is difficult to say.
For example, a study published in 2008 by Young, a sociologist from the University of Chicago, suggests that the increase in life expectancy observed since 1970, due to the fact that the number of happy years has increased, but at the same time, health and income, important factors of happiness decreases with age. Some researchers say that if you take into account these two facts, the elderly are not as happy as young.
But even if the people in old age are not getting welfare, the age can still have an impact on a person's attitude to the world - research has shown that older people tend to look at our past through rose-colored glasses and they are optimistic young people.
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