The secret of our muscles, postponing old age
The secret that hides our muscles: biomarkers of ageing and how to prolong youth
Becoming older does not mean getting old. When a person grows old, he experiences the following changes in the body: muscle tone decreases, muscles become weaker, the level of basal metabolism is reduced, decreasing the ability of cells to use oxygen, increases blood pressure, decreases the sensitivity of cells to insulin( that is, worse cells use sugar for energy), cholesterol level increases, it decreases the ability to regulate internal body temperature.
To quantify the aging process, scientists use so-called biomarkers of aging.
Eighty four million seven hundred twenty three thousand one hundred seventy two
Biomarkers of ageing – the number of physiological parameters of cells and tissues that can be measured and which most fully reflect the functional capacity of the body when aging in comparison with chronological age. As you know, our biological age may differ greatly from our chronological age.
So, consider some of the Biomarkers of aging:
Did you know that our muscles are responsible for vitality, youth and health of our body. Most people believe that the decline in muscle strength with age is a normal and inevitable phenomenon. On average, every 10 years a person loses about 3 kg of muscle mass and this process is much accelerated after 45 years.
The bulk of people with age, even if does not occur an increase in weight, it still changes the ratio of muscle mass to fat: muscles are like shrinks and shrinks, while fat mass increases. In the body of the average 25 - year-old female is approximately 25% fat. If she leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, then amount of fat to the age of 60 increases to 45-50 %. The same pattern is observed among men: in the body of a healthy 25 year old male about 18% fat, when sedentary lifestyle for 60 years, this figure increases to 40 % .
However, studies show that with regular physical activity (especially power) muscle mass is not only preserved, but increased, at any age. What gives? High ratio of muscle mass relative to fat, increases basal metabolism of the body. This means that the body begins to burn fat more quickly, more fully assimilate the nutrients, stimulates the nervous and endocrine systems. Over time you notice that your body begins to naturally rejuvenate and give you a feeling of lightness and health.
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When the basal metabolism drops, the body becomes much more difficult to deal with the excess fat, and needle on the scale begins to creep up rapidly.
Building or just keeping a certain muscle mass to turn this process around, automatically making us younger and healthier. The reason is that when working a muscle cell burns more calories than fat cells, even during the rest hours after exercise. For example, ½ kg of muscle burns 15 times more calories than ½ kg of fat. If you lose 5 pounds of fat and build 5 pounds of muscle, you'll burn 150 calories a day more even without changing their level of physical activity.Found that those people who have in the body more muscle and less fat, do exercises regularly without much effort or Samohvalov. It becomes for them a necessity.
Studies show that regular physical activity produce a whole series of positive changes in the body. Strengthening and increasing muscle mass, you will maintain a high level of consumption cells of oxygen. Maximum oxygen consumption is the primary metric that evaluates the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system. Because it determines the ability of tissue cells to metabolize oxygen, the increase in the ratio of muscle to fat increases this figure. This, in turn, helps keep blood pressure within normal limits, keep a healthy cell sensitivity to insulin, control the level of cholesterol, to increase bone mineral density, to stabilize the body's ability to regulate internal temperature. Unfortunately, in most developed countries, 55-60 years, the consumption of oxygen by cells from the average resident falls by 30-40%.
One of the undesirable consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is reducing the ability of tissue cells to burn oxygen. That is why the majority of people today experience chronic fatigue. And from this it is easy to get rid of. During exercise the stimulation of muscle tissue, it begins to grow, forming new blood capillaries that carry oxygen-rich blood and stimulate metabolism. The natural aging process and a sedentary lifestyle reduces the growth of capillaries and reduces the amount of blood flowing to the muscles and tissues. Scientists have long proved that, despite your age, regular exercise increases the concentration of capillaries and lead to optimal cellular usage of oxygen for the needs of the body, maintaining the health and beautiful appearance.
Another marker of physiological aging, which are easy to change with regular exercise is the level of sensitivity of cells to insulin and the cells ability to use sugar for energy production. Most people with age decreases the ability of cells to use glucose, the membrane of the muscle cells lose sensitivity to insulin (insulin helps glucose to penetrate the cell like a key to the door). The more body fat and less muscle, the harder it is for cells to absorb glucose, the faster develops insensitivity to insulin, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
In addition, regular exercise stimulates bone growth and help prevent osteoporosis – a condition in which bone density decreases and bone becomes fragile. Osteoporosis is one of the biggest problems of the elderly. Osteoblasts (the bone cells responsible for its growth and recovery) have receptors that are sensitive to testosterone and progesterone.
The concentration of these hormones is significantly reduced, especially in women in the premenopausal and menopause, making the bone more fragile. The contraction of the muscles helps to regenerate bone tissue, because it stimulates the synthesis of testosterone. Numerous studies have proved the high effectiveness of regular exercise (especially with additional weight) along with the using natural progesterone to prevent osteoporosis.
I hope these facts convinced you to begin to regularly exercise. Nutrition (which includes moderate amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates, legumes, enzymatic products, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruit), healthy sleep, maximum stress reduction and regular exercise is the best way to preserve youth, health and vigor.
No free time for going to the gym? Try to organize a mini gym at home.published
Author: Ksenia Trushlyakov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hormonetika.com/secret-mishz-molodost/
Becoming older does not mean getting old. When a person grows old, he experiences the following changes in the body: muscle tone decreases, muscles become weaker, the level of basal metabolism is reduced, decreasing the ability of cells to use oxygen, increases blood pressure, decreases the sensitivity of cells to insulin( that is, worse cells use sugar for energy), cholesterol level increases, it decreases the ability to regulate internal body temperature.
To quantify the aging process, scientists use so-called biomarkers of aging.
Eighty four million seven hundred twenty three thousand one hundred seventy two
Biomarkers of ageing – the number of physiological parameters of cells and tissues that can be measured and which most fully reflect the functional capacity of the body when aging in comparison with chronological age. As you know, our biological age may differ greatly from our chronological age.
So, consider some of the Biomarkers of aging:
- Basal metabolism– the minimal energy required to ensure normal functioning of the body.
- Maximum oxygen consumption -an indicator that determines the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen for the body's needs.
- The ability to burn oxygen – an indicator that determines the body's ability to use oxygen for the body's needs.
- The sensitivity of cells to insulin and glucose –an indicator that determines how well the cells with help of insulin use sugar for energy production.
- Muscular strength – the ratio of lean body mass to fat.
Did you know that our muscles are responsible for vitality, youth and health of our body. Most people believe that the decline in muscle strength with age is a normal and inevitable phenomenon. On average, every 10 years a person loses about 3 kg of muscle mass and this process is much accelerated after 45 years.
The bulk of people with age, even if does not occur an increase in weight, it still changes the ratio of muscle mass to fat: muscles are like shrinks and shrinks, while fat mass increases. In the body of the average 25 - year-old female is approximately 25% fat. If she leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, then amount of fat to the age of 60 increases to 45-50 %. The same pattern is observed among men: in the body of a healthy 25 year old male about 18% fat, when sedentary lifestyle for 60 years, this figure increases to 40 % .
However, studies show that with regular physical activity (especially power) muscle mass is not only preserved, but increased, at any age. What gives? High ratio of muscle mass relative to fat, increases basal metabolism of the body. This means that the body begins to burn fat more quickly, more fully assimilate the nutrients, stimulates the nervous and endocrine systems. Over time you notice that your body begins to naturally rejuvenate and give you a feeling of lightness and health.
Ninety eight million five hundred forty one thousand four hundred twenty eight
When the basal metabolism drops, the body becomes much more difficult to deal with the excess fat, and needle on the scale begins to creep up rapidly.
Building or just keeping a certain muscle mass to turn this process around, automatically making us younger and healthier. The reason is that when working a muscle cell burns more calories than fat cells, even during the rest hours after exercise. For example, ½ kg of muscle burns 15 times more calories than ½ kg of fat. If you lose 5 pounds of fat and build 5 pounds of muscle, you'll burn 150 calories a day more even without changing their level of physical activity.Found that those people who have in the body more muscle and less fat, do exercises regularly without much effort or Samohvalov. It becomes for them a necessity.
Studies show that regular physical activity produce a whole series of positive changes in the body. Strengthening and increasing muscle mass, you will maintain a high level of consumption cells of oxygen. Maximum oxygen consumption is the primary metric that evaluates the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system. Because it determines the ability of tissue cells to metabolize oxygen, the increase in the ratio of muscle to fat increases this figure. This, in turn, helps keep blood pressure within normal limits, keep a healthy cell sensitivity to insulin, control the level of cholesterol, to increase bone mineral density, to stabilize the body's ability to regulate internal temperature. Unfortunately, in most developed countries, 55-60 years, the consumption of oxygen by cells from the average resident falls by 30-40%.
One of the undesirable consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is reducing the ability of tissue cells to burn oxygen. That is why the majority of people today experience chronic fatigue. And from this it is easy to get rid of. During exercise the stimulation of muscle tissue, it begins to grow, forming new blood capillaries that carry oxygen-rich blood and stimulate metabolism. The natural aging process and a sedentary lifestyle reduces the growth of capillaries and reduces the amount of blood flowing to the muscles and tissues. Scientists have long proved that, despite your age, regular exercise increases the concentration of capillaries and lead to optimal cellular usage of oxygen for the needs of the body, maintaining the health and beautiful appearance.
Another marker of physiological aging, which are easy to change with regular exercise is the level of sensitivity of cells to insulin and the cells ability to use sugar for energy production. Most people with age decreases the ability of cells to use glucose, the membrane of the muscle cells lose sensitivity to insulin (insulin helps glucose to penetrate the cell like a key to the door). The more body fat and less muscle, the harder it is for cells to absorb glucose, the faster develops insensitivity to insulin, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
In addition, regular exercise stimulates bone growth and help prevent osteoporosis – a condition in which bone density decreases and bone becomes fragile. Osteoporosis is one of the biggest problems of the elderly. Osteoblasts (the bone cells responsible for its growth and recovery) have receptors that are sensitive to testosterone and progesterone.
The concentration of these hormones is significantly reduced, especially in women in the premenopausal and menopause, making the bone more fragile. The contraction of the muscles helps to regenerate bone tissue, because it stimulates the synthesis of testosterone. Numerous studies have proved the high effectiveness of regular exercise (especially with additional weight) along with the using natural progesterone to prevent osteoporosis.
I hope these facts convinced you to begin to regularly exercise. Nutrition (which includes moderate amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates, legumes, enzymatic products, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruit), healthy sleep, maximum stress reduction and regular exercise is the best way to preserve youth, health and vigor.
No free time for going to the gym? Try to organize a mini gym at home.published
Author: Ksenia Trushlyakov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hormonetika.com/secret-mishz-molodost/