An international team of scientists has found three potentially habitable planets sverhzemli

The habitable zone of a nearby star is full of planets suitable for the origin of extraterrestrial life.
An international team of scientists has found three potentially habitable planets orbiting the star Gliese 667 C - part of the "triple star" (ie the inhabitants of the planets during the day can be seen in the sky, three of the sun), which is in 22 light years from Earth, and its orbit, there are at least six or seven planets.
Three contenders for the title of habitable planets are in the so-called "habitable zone" stars - in other words, the temperature region around a star where liquid water can exist. The three planets in the habitable zone of Gliese 667 C known as sverhzemli - extrasolar planets less massive than Neptune, but more massive than Earth.

One of the leaders of the study Mikko Tuomi from the University of Hertfordshire said that scientists are aware of the existence in the star Gliese 667 C for at least three planets, and set out to find out whether they have more. Implement new monitoring and revision of the already known data, the researchers were able to confirm the existence of these three planets, and to find some more - so managed to find three planets smaller mass.

This is the first time that just three planets of small mass were seen in the habitable zone of a star, and it is unlikely that astronomers will be able to find more in the vicinity of Gliese 667 C: habitable zone of the star, and so "settled" quite tight, which makes it impossible occurrence within this zone of another planet with a stable orbit.
Gliese 667 C - the smallest star in the system of three stars: it is colder and dimmer than the Sun, which makes the planets orbit with a small to remain livable. The habitable zone around Gliese 667 C is located at the same distance that the orbit of Mercury from the sun.
via factroom.ru
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