The syndrome causes grammatical pedantry people compulsively to correct grammatical errors

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessive thoughts, becoming a cause of worry, apprehension or fear.
Diagnose it can be repeated for actions aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of any obsessions or desires.
In some cases the symptoms manifest themselves as constant cleaning of the surrounding area from dust and debris, constant checks anything, stockpiling in the event of an emergency situation, the idea of religion, obsessions, aversion to certain numbers, nervous rituals such as opening and closing the doors a certain number of times when entering or leaving the room, and the like.
Most people who suffer from OCD, did not even suspect until the psychiatrist a diagnosis. There are many ways the impact of OCD on a person: different people have different symptoms, and there are several other diseases that are derived from the ROC - for example, the syndrome grammatical pedantry.
It is a form of OCD, in which patients feel obliged to correct every grammatical error. Perhaps such people could be considered some of the grammar-nazi.
via factroom.ru
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