Olingito or "Medvedev-cat" - is the first new carnivore discovered in the West over the last 35 years

Olingito inhabit the forests of Colombia and resemble in appearance part cat and part teddy bear. These creatures are mistaken for his close relatives Olinga for nearly 100 years, despite the fact that times have been seen in the wild, have been exhibited in museum collections, and even lived in zoos.

Now researchers from the Smithsonian Institution confirmed that these animals - a new kind of individual, and stated that it is an incredible discovery for the XXI-st century. Despite the similarities with cats and bears, olingito - members of the family raccoon, which also include raccoons, coatis, and kinkajou Olinga.

The animals weigh about one kg and have a thick reddish-brown fur. They live mostly in the forests of Ecuador and Colombia. Despite the similarities with Olinga, recent studies of their skulls, teeth and skin confirmed it - different kinds. Compared with Olinga, teeth and skull olingito are smaller and have longer fur and denser.

Dr. Christopher Helgen researcher mammals at the National Museum of the Smithsonian Natural History, believes that many animal species to science are still unknown, and the discovery and documentation is the first step toward understanding all the richness and diversity of life on Earth.
The scientific name olingito - bassaricyon neblina. Pets are active mostly at night, eating fruit and meat sometimes, rarely leave the forest and can beget only one cub at a time. Unfortunately, 42% of the potential habitat olingito already used for agricultural purposes, so acutely raises the question of their protection.
via factroom.ru
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