There is a disorder that causes people to cry blood
Tears of blood - is haemolacria instead stigmaty
With the XVI-century medical records described in cases where people were crying blood. The most common reason for this is haemolacria - an extremely rare disease that causes tears, partly or wholly composed of blood. This is somewhat similar to the stigmata, but now doctors are much more aware of the nature of the bloody tears. However, in many cases, the causes remain a mystery. But we do know the following:
1. The cause of the bloody tears can serve hormonal izmeneniya
In XVI-century Italian physician Antonio brassavola first described a similar case: the nun weeping tears of blood in the days when she was menstruating. Later, in 1581, the year the Flemish doctor wrote of his 16-year-old patient whose menstrual flow out through the eyes as tears of blood, rather than through the vagina.
Modern science supports this hypothesis: according to a study of 1991, which was attended by 125 healthy volunteers, promotes menstruation ophthalmic haemolacria, or blood in tears. The study found that 18% of women of childbearing age in tears, blood appears, but only 7% of pregnant women and 8% of men are able to secrete tears with blood.
In postmenopausal women this phenomenon is not found. Scientists came to the conclusion that the cause of ophthalmic haemolacria in women of reproductive age are the hormones, while ordinary haemolacria provoke other factors - bacterial conjunctivitis, environmental damage or injury.
2. Tennessee seems to make people cry krovyu
Over the past five years there have been two notable cases haemolacria - Calvino Inman and Michael Spann. Both live in the state of Tennessee, and the doctors could not find the reason why they are crying tears of blood.
When Inman, who lives in the town of Rockwood, was 15 years old, he came out of the shower and noticed on his face bloody tears. The boy buried his face in his hands, thinking that he was dying. Spann from Antioch descended the stairs, he felt a severe headache and noticed tears of blood.
Although the sudden appearance of bloody tears causes panic, haemolacria, however, does not accept any threat to life. However, the consequences for society may be negative: Spann, for example, was dismissed from his job after the current employer noticed the face slave blood. Since Spann became a hermit.
3. Spontaneous cases haemolacria redki
Dr. Barrett Haik, director of Tennessee Institute of Ophthalmology in Hamilton, examined the cases of spontaneous emergence of bloody tears. In its report, first published in 2004 in the journal "Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery", it says that from 1992 to 2003, the year was only four cases of spontaneous haemolacria not medically explainable causes, including the above two cases occurred in Tennessee. Dr. Ike stressed that the case haemolacria in adolescence, like Inman - a rare phenomenon.
People living in other places, too, experienced haemolacria. In 2013, 20-year-old resident of Chile Yaritsa Oliva began to cry tears of blood, and the doctors ruled out any possible causes, such as conjunctivitis, or thickening of blood. There are also indications that Indian Twinkle Dwivedi alleged crying tears of blood, but many consider it a disease manifestation of Munchausen syndrome.
4. haemolacria usually goes away soboy
Haemolacria stops almost as suddenly as it started. Co-author Dr. Ike ophthalmologist James Fleming points out that in most cases haemolacria suffered relatively young patients. After a complete physical maturation bleeding from the eye is reduced and finally disappears.
Spann wept tears of blood for seven years, but over time the frequency decreased. What used to happen every day, it began to occur once a week. Ike and Fleming noted that all patients bloody tears eventually stopped completely without any consequences. As a result, for the period from 9 months to 11 years there was not a relapse.
5. haemolacria can cause injury May Canadian residents on the beach bitten by a poisonous snake, it was the reason that the man began to cry tears of blood, experience painful swelling and kidney failure. Doctors attribute this to the extensive internal bleeding caused by the poison of a snake. In most cases, tears of blood causes a head injury, tumor, blood clot, a tear in slёznom duct or common infection such as conjunctivitis.
Fleming said that the cause may also be a small diameter of the tear duct - 2 or 3 mm. Lacrimal ducts are tubes, and if you try to get into a tube and explore it from one end to the other, there is the risk of leaving scars. The patient at risk even in this case lose some of the lacrimal duct.
via factroom.ru

With the XVI-century medical records described in cases where people were crying blood. The most common reason for this is haemolacria - an extremely rare disease that causes tears, partly or wholly composed of blood. This is somewhat similar to the stigmata, but now doctors are much more aware of the nature of the bloody tears. However, in many cases, the causes remain a mystery. But we do know the following:
1. The cause of the bloody tears can serve hormonal izmeneniya

In XVI-century Italian physician Antonio brassavola first described a similar case: the nun weeping tears of blood in the days when she was menstruating. Later, in 1581, the year the Flemish doctor wrote of his 16-year-old patient whose menstrual flow out through the eyes as tears of blood, rather than through the vagina.
Modern science supports this hypothesis: according to a study of 1991, which was attended by 125 healthy volunteers, promotes menstruation ophthalmic haemolacria, or blood in tears. The study found that 18% of women of childbearing age in tears, blood appears, but only 7% of pregnant women and 8% of men are able to secrete tears with blood.
In postmenopausal women this phenomenon is not found. Scientists came to the conclusion that the cause of ophthalmic haemolacria in women of reproductive age are the hormones, while ordinary haemolacria provoke other factors - bacterial conjunctivitis, environmental damage or injury.
2. Tennessee seems to make people cry krovyu

Over the past five years there have been two notable cases haemolacria - Calvino Inman and Michael Spann. Both live in the state of Tennessee, and the doctors could not find the reason why they are crying tears of blood.
When Inman, who lives in the town of Rockwood, was 15 years old, he came out of the shower and noticed on his face bloody tears. The boy buried his face in his hands, thinking that he was dying. Spann from Antioch descended the stairs, he felt a severe headache and noticed tears of blood.
Although the sudden appearance of bloody tears causes panic, haemolacria, however, does not accept any threat to life. However, the consequences for society may be negative: Spann, for example, was dismissed from his job after the current employer noticed the face slave blood. Since Spann became a hermit.
3. Spontaneous cases haemolacria redki

Dr. Barrett Haik, director of Tennessee Institute of Ophthalmology in Hamilton, examined the cases of spontaneous emergence of bloody tears. In its report, first published in 2004 in the journal "Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery", it says that from 1992 to 2003, the year was only four cases of spontaneous haemolacria not medically explainable causes, including the above two cases occurred in Tennessee. Dr. Ike stressed that the case haemolacria in adolescence, like Inman - a rare phenomenon.

People living in other places, too, experienced haemolacria. In 2013, 20-year-old resident of Chile Yaritsa Oliva began to cry tears of blood, and the doctors ruled out any possible causes, such as conjunctivitis, or thickening of blood. There are also indications that Indian Twinkle Dwivedi alleged crying tears of blood, but many consider it a disease manifestation of Munchausen syndrome.

4. haemolacria usually goes away soboy

Haemolacria stops almost as suddenly as it started. Co-author Dr. Ike ophthalmologist James Fleming points out that in most cases haemolacria suffered relatively young patients. After a complete physical maturation bleeding from the eye is reduced and finally disappears.
Spann wept tears of blood for seven years, but over time the frequency decreased. What used to happen every day, it began to occur once a week. Ike and Fleming noted that all patients bloody tears eventually stopped completely without any consequences. As a result, for the period from 9 months to 11 years there was not a relapse.
5. haemolacria can cause injury May Canadian residents on the beach bitten by a poisonous snake, it was the reason that the man began to cry tears of blood, experience painful swelling and kidney failure. Doctors attribute this to the extensive internal bleeding caused by the poison of a snake. In most cases, tears of blood causes a head injury, tumor, blood clot, a tear in slёznom duct or common infection such as conjunctivitis.
Fleming said that the cause may also be a small diameter of the tear duct - 2 or 3 mm. Lacrimal ducts are tubes, and if you try to get into a tube and explore it from one end to the other, there is the risk of leaving scars. The patient at risk even in this case lose some of the lacrimal duct.
via factroom.ru
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