Professor of medicine says that the death - no more than an illusion of consciousness
According to the scientist, quantum physics shows that life after death suschestvuet
Most scientists say that the existence of the afterlife - is nonsense, or, at least, that it can not be proved. However, one expert argues that the evidence it has - and they are in the field of quantum physics.
Professor Robert Lanza School of Medicine in North Carolina says that the theory biocentrism teaches that death is - nothing more than an illusion created by our consciousness. We die, according to the scientist, only because we have "learned to die," and we believe in death. More precisely, we live with the knowledge that our body will die sooner or later.
Biocentrism theory states that it is biological life is central to the reality - life creates the universe, and not vice versa. This means that human consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.
As an example, Lanza leads the way we perceive the world around us: people see the blue sky and says the color of the sky is blue, but the cells in the human brain can be changed so that the sky will appear red or green. Thus, what we see, could not occur without the intervention of consciousness. Such concepts as space and time, too, are "simple tools of the mind».
If we accept this theory of space and time, just as a mental construct, the death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.
In addition, theoretical physicists believe that there is an infinite number of universes with different variations people and situations that occur simultaneously. According to Lanza, everything that can happen, will happen sooner or later, and so death can not be: when we die, our life becomes a "flower, which is returned to continue to bloom somewhere in the multiverse».
As another argument Lanza results of an experiment in quantum physics. If scientists observed for particles to pass through the two slits of the barrier, it passes through a single slit, or through another. If a person does not follow the particle, it behaves like a wave and passes through both slits simultaneously. This proves that matter and energy can have the characteristics of waves and particles together, and the behavior of particles varies depending on the perception of the man and his consciousness.
via factroom.ru

Most scientists say that the existence of the afterlife - is nonsense, or, at least, that it can not be proved. However, one expert argues that the evidence it has - and they are in the field of quantum physics.
Professor Robert Lanza School of Medicine in North Carolina says that the theory biocentrism teaches that death is - nothing more than an illusion created by our consciousness. We die, according to the scientist, only because we have "learned to die," and we believe in death. More precisely, we live with the knowledge that our body will die sooner or later.

Biocentrism theory states that it is biological life is central to the reality - life creates the universe, and not vice versa. This means that human consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.
As an example, Lanza leads the way we perceive the world around us: people see the blue sky and says the color of the sky is blue, but the cells in the human brain can be changed so that the sky will appear red or green. Thus, what we see, could not occur without the intervention of consciousness. Such concepts as space and time, too, are "simple tools of the mind».
If we accept this theory of space and time, just as a mental construct, the death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.
In addition, theoretical physicists believe that there is an infinite number of universes with different variations people and situations that occur simultaneously. According to Lanza, everything that can happen, will happen sooner or later, and so death can not be: when we die, our life becomes a "flower, which is returned to continue to bloom somewhere in the multiverse».
As another argument Lanza results of an experiment in quantum physics. If scientists observed for particles to pass through the two slits of the barrier, it passes through a single slit, or through another. If a person does not follow the particle, it behaves like a wave and passes through both slits simultaneously. This proves that matter and energy can have the characteristics of waves and particles together, and the behavior of particles varies depending on the perception of the man and his consciousness.
via factroom.ru
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