Older people do have a special smell
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You may remember that as a child and coming to visit her grandmother, a strange smell. He does not haunt you - many other people, too, feel it.
Gerontology Eric Shapira said that the cause of the odor is difficult to determine, but, anyway, it's part of the process of what is happening to the body as we age. Many studies have shown that the body chemistry is changing from within, resulting in an specific smell.
Shapira suggests that one of the factors of odor can be dehydrated. Typically, older people drink less, because of which their skin becomes drier. Dead skin cells can smell more specific. In addition, Shapiro notes that older people are less follow the oral hygiene.
A more scientific explanation put forward in 2000, Japanese scientists. They found that the concentration of the chemical 2-nonenal having its characteristic odor, increases with age: the elderly in the amount three times larger than that of middle-aged people. It is estimated that an additional 2-nonenal is produced from the decay of omega-7 fatty acids in our skin as we age.
Also, it could be because the habitat: in the homes of older people are often stored old books and paper, linens and clothing - all these things absorb the smell of damp and mold. By the way, men with aging distinguish smells better and better, while women like it there.
via factroom.ru
You may remember that as a child and coming to visit her grandmother, a strange smell. He does not haunt you - many other people, too, feel it.
Gerontology Eric Shapira said that the cause of the odor is difficult to determine, but, anyway, it's part of the process of what is happening to the body as we age. Many studies have shown that the body chemistry is changing from within, resulting in an specific smell.
Shapira suggests that one of the factors of odor can be dehydrated. Typically, older people drink less, because of which their skin becomes drier. Dead skin cells can smell more specific. In addition, Shapiro notes that older people are less follow the oral hygiene.
A more scientific explanation put forward in 2000, Japanese scientists. They found that the concentration of the chemical 2-nonenal having its characteristic odor, increases with age: the elderly in the amount three times larger than that of middle-aged people. It is estimated that an additional 2-nonenal is produced from the decay of omega-7 fatty acids in our skin as we age.
Also, it could be because the habitat: in the homes of older people are often stored old books and paper, linens and clothing - all these things absorb the smell of damp and mold. By the way, men with aging distinguish smells better and better, while women like it there.
via factroom.ru
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