There shokogolizm - dependence on chocolate
Hello chocoholic!
Doctors often called alcoholism and drug addiction among the most dreaded diseases of the modern world, from which millions of people die each year. One of the experiments performed by employees of Yale University, gave an interesting result: it turned out that a person may develop a dependence not only on alcohol or psychotropic substances, but also, for example, chocolate: chocolate lovers are often not able to limit yourself in it, even if it fraught, such as weight gain.
The study involved the so-called chocoholic (Eng. Chocoholics) and just people who care about their health and, therefore, including chocolate to your diet.
Using magnetic resonance imaging experts have found that chocoholic seen a dramatic increase in brain activity when they see a milkshake with chocolate or feel the smell, while as soon as they were given to try to drink, increased activity ceased. According to researchers, the brain chocoholic thus gives signals that he needs some chocolate.
The experimental results of experts from Yale confirmed the data obtained in the study, experts Drexel University: Some chocolate lovers exhibit behavior characteristic of consuming hard drugs.
Scientists have known the reason for such sustained addiction that causes chocolate: cocoa contains a substance andanamid, improves mood and promotes the development of "the hormone of happiness" endorphin, in addition, chocolate stimulates the release of serotonin in the blood, and in it there is a small amount of caffeine and theobromine, a positive impact on the performance.
Experts emphasize that an accurate analysis of the chemical mechanisms of addiction to chocolate will need many years, since it includes more than 500 different substances.
via factroom.ru

Doctors often called alcoholism and drug addiction among the most dreaded diseases of the modern world, from which millions of people die each year. One of the experiments performed by employees of Yale University, gave an interesting result: it turned out that a person may develop a dependence not only on alcohol or psychotropic substances, but also, for example, chocolate: chocolate lovers are often not able to limit yourself in it, even if it fraught, such as weight gain.
The study involved the so-called chocoholic (Eng. Chocoholics) and just people who care about their health and, therefore, including chocolate to your diet.
Using magnetic resonance imaging experts have found that chocoholic seen a dramatic increase in brain activity when they see a milkshake with chocolate or feel the smell, while as soon as they were given to try to drink, increased activity ceased. According to researchers, the brain chocoholic thus gives signals that he needs some chocolate.
The experimental results of experts from Yale confirmed the data obtained in the study, experts Drexel University: Some chocolate lovers exhibit behavior characteristic of consuming hard drugs.
Scientists have known the reason for such sustained addiction that causes chocolate: cocoa contains a substance andanamid, improves mood and promotes the development of "the hormone of happiness" endorphin, in addition, chocolate stimulates the release of serotonin in the blood, and in it there is a small amount of caffeine and theobromine, a positive impact on the performance.
Experts emphasize that an accurate analysis of the chemical mechanisms of addiction to chocolate will need many years, since it includes more than 500 different substances.
via factroom.ru