Children begin to distinguish the good from the bad at the age of one and a half years
And even trying to help when someone close ploho
Research has shown that young children really understand where good and evil where - or rather, what is good and what is bad. Altruistic behavior in children from 18 months.
To find out, the experimenters did some minor things - for example, dropped clothespin or spoon - while the child was near and could see it. After the experimenter dropped the subject, almost every child (of the test) was moving toward him, as if wanting to help, but only if it was not too clear that the adult did it intentionally. If he dropped the subject or deliberately stumbled too, the child did not respond.
For reasons unknown, scientists conducted the same experiment with cubs chimpanzees. The results were almost the same as in the case of human children, and this suggests that altruism has profound evolutionary roots.
via factroom.ru

Research has shown that young children really understand where good and evil where - or rather, what is good and what is bad. Altruistic behavior in children from 18 months.
To find out, the experimenters did some minor things - for example, dropped clothespin or spoon - while the child was near and could see it. After the experimenter dropped the subject, almost every child (of the test) was moving toward him, as if wanting to help, but only if it was not too clear that the adult did it intentionally. If he dropped the subject or deliberately stumbled too, the child did not respond.
For reasons unknown, scientists conducted the same experiment with cubs chimpanzees. The results were almost the same as in the case of human children, and this suggests that altruism has profound evolutionary roots.
via factroom.ru
A good man with a neurological point of view does not differ much from the folk Oman *
Reflections on science make you more highly moral