Can a person feel something for which there are no words?
The feelings are understandable without slov
have you ever had a feeling for which you could not find the words? If not, do you think that such a feeling does not exist? In an anthropological work suggests that the word for the real feelings may be missing - and a sign of the cultural deficit.
In the early 1960s, the anthropologist Robert Levy spent two years in Tahiti, Society Islands. Ten years later, a book that contains the word "gipokognitivnost" means the inability of society to generate the right word. Gipokognitivnost - is no need, or at least beneficial use words to express the experience. In the case of Tahitians such words were "mountain", instead they use the word "disease».
While the volume and strength gipokognitivnosti controversial, there is no doubt the voracity of people when it comes to useful words. The expression of new concepts opens our minds to a whole new field of knowledge. A lack of appropriate concepts can prevent us from even thinking about something.
Douglas Adams, author of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," co-authored with John Lloyd released a book entitled "The meaning of" Liff "». It started as a game at a party, during which Adams and his friends took the names of English cities and had to give definition to these words. When they come up with different definitions, they realized that, like people, they all have a common experience, for which no names.
For example, the word «shoeburyness» they identified as "vaguely uncomfortable feeling that you feel when you sit on the seat still warm after sitting on it by someone else." Any one of us could feel it, but no one gave it a sense of the name. If a word appears, people will start to use it.
via factroom.ru
have you ever had a feeling for which you could not find the words? If not, do you think that such a feeling does not exist? In an anthropological work suggests that the word for the real feelings may be missing - and a sign of the cultural deficit.
In the early 1960s, the anthropologist Robert Levy spent two years in Tahiti, Society Islands. Ten years later, a book that contains the word "gipokognitivnost" means the inability of society to generate the right word. Gipokognitivnost - is no need, or at least beneficial use words to express the experience. In the case of Tahitians such words were "mountain", instead they use the word "disease».
While the volume and strength gipokognitivnosti controversial, there is no doubt the voracity of people when it comes to useful words. The expression of new concepts opens our minds to a whole new field of knowledge. A lack of appropriate concepts can prevent us from even thinking about something.
Douglas Adams, author of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," co-authored with John Lloyd released a book entitled "The meaning of" Liff "». It started as a game at a party, during which Adams and his friends took the names of English cities and had to give definition to these words. When they come up with different definitions, they realized that, like people, they all have a common experience, for which no names.
For example, the word «shoeburyness» they identified as "vaguely uncomfortable feeling that you feel when you sit on the seat still warm after sitting on it by someone else." Any one of us could feel it, but no one gave it a sense of the name. If a word appears, people will start to use it.
via factroom.ru
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