20 incredible images - actors just do not know!
Anyone who believes that the domestic and foreign film actors pay a fabulous price just so very wrong. This is probably the most specific profession in the world, because you need to be able to skillfully transform into any character. But do not rush to think that the great images of the film industry - the merit of the actors themselves only. In fact, to create the next masterwork is not something that is working team and an army of artists who remain behind the scenes. And here it is worth to pay tribute to a professional make-up artists, costumers, and makeup artists - those who could change beyond recognition appearance favorite actor. Sometimes the fruit of their labor is so great that no amount of computer graphics is not even close.
Today We will show you how the professional make-up allowed the actors to get used to the image and changed beyond recognition. It's crazy, this is reincarnation! I am standing ovation the makeup artists and make-up artists who had a hand - their fantastic creations! And did you know your favorite actors in these images?
Today We will show you how the professional make-up allowed the actors to get used to the image and changed beyond recognition. It's crazy, this is reincarnation! I am standing ovation the makeup artists and make-up artists who had a hand - their fantastic creations! And did you know your favorite actors in these images?
33 photo, glancing at which you can not fall asleep!
25 children, who you will not be able to drop in buying pet!