10 tips on cleaning effectiveness of the "cleared" the surface!
Generally, all cleaning work we carry out with an arsenal of active agents. But what if now you do not have a corporate or cleaner you just decided to save money? I suggest to try the following 10 options to combat "unclean».
1. Saloon car
If you think that the dry - it's unnecessary costs, make soapy water with vinegar and soda and take the elastic brush. Getting Started!
2. Window frames
Before starting the generously sprinkle baking soda contaminated sites. Then fill them with vinegar and wait for the reaction to take place. Take a cotton swab or an old toothbrush and brush thoroughly, and then wipe with a damp cloth these places.
3. Washing machine
Over time, washing machines contaminated, and things are starting to come out some stale. To get rid of the stale smell, run an intensive wash cycle without things, adding to the container instead of the powder bleach or a mixture of soda and vinegar.
4. The seams on the tiles and tile
The apartment can be removed, but darkened seams on the tile will break the harmony. To correct this nuance, grab a toothbrush, soap and bleach solution. The same structure can be cleaned in 10 minutes bath.
5. Microfiber Sofa
Try to use alcohol to clean first, and then - distilled water. Water from the tap to clean a sofa should not be, because they can stay stains and even dark spots. Cleaning algorithm is: first dunk, and then rubbed dry with a stiff brush.
6. Comb
Soak combs in hot solution of baking soda and water.
7. Dust on vents
To clean these inaccessible places, use old cosmetic brush. You even get to where not able to get the vacuum cleaner.
8. Decorative glass bottles
Beautiful, but inconvenient for washing bottles - a real punishment for the hostess. Mix salt, soap and a little bit of warm water and pour the mixture into the bottle, shake a few times, repeat if necessary.
9. Burnt pots and pans
This problem will handle a mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture will save you from a long process of cleaning - a minimum of effort, a good result.
10. Marker on the floor
If your restless constantly striving to decorate the floor pretty flourishes, you will gain toothpaste. Apply it on the painted portion, wait for a while, and then wipe with a sponge.
1. Saloon car
If you think that the dry - it's unnecessary costs, make soapy water with vinegar and soda and take the elastic brush. Getting Started!

2. Window frames
Before starting the generously sprinkle baking soda contaminated sites. Then fill them with vinegar and wait for the reaction to take place. Take a cotton swab or an old toothbrush and brush thoroughly, and then wipe with a damp cloth these places.

3. Washing machine
Over time, washing machines contaminated, and things are starting to come out some stale. To get rid of the stale smell, run an intensive wash cycle without things, adding to the container instead of the powder bleach or a mixture of soda and vinegar.

4. The seams on the tiles and tile
The apartment can be removed, but darkened seams on the tile will break the harmony. To correct this nuance, grab a toothbrush, soap and bleach solution. The same structure can be cleaned in 10 minutes bath.

5. Microfiber Sofa
Try to use alcohol to clean first, and then - distilled water. Water from the tap to clean a sofa should not be, because they can stay stains and even dark spots. Cleaning algorithm is: first dunk, and then rubbed dry with a stiff brush.

6. Comb
Soak combs in hot solution of baking soda and water.

7. Dust on vents
To clean these inaccessible places, use old cosmetic brush. You even get to where not able to get the vacuum cleaner.

8. Decorative glass bottles
Beautiful, but inconvenient for washing bottles - a real punishment for the hostess. Mix salt, soap and a little bit of warm water and pour the mixture into the bottle, shake a few times, repeat if necessary.

9. Burnt pots and pans
This problem will handle a mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture will save you from a long process of cleaning - a minimum of effort, a good result.

10. Marker on the floor
If your restless constantly striving to decorate the floor pretty flourishes, you will gain toothpaste. Apply it on the painted portion, wait for a while, and then wipe with a sponge.

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