12 most bizarre English tradition, in reality that is hard to believe
The whole planet is aware that the British people are very strange and peculiar. While in England, you can easily join any idle crowd, whose celebration can be quite confusing and surprise the unprepared person. Today we tell you about the 12 countries of the British traditions that still exist.
Weighing Mayor (High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire)
This tradition was wound up in High Wycombe in 1937 and is still alive. Every year in May to weigh the mayor, along with his other officials and advisers. If compared with the last year the mayor had put on weight, it is believed that he did it for the taxpayers' money, so it can be mocked and booed, and the crowd traditionally had the right to beat him with rotten fruit and vegetables.
Cheese Race (Coopers Hill, Gloucestershire) 77,603,731
The meaning of this action lies in the fact that the participants in the race to catch up should head cheese, which was started by the organizers from the mountain top. Trying to catch up with cheese, all competitors flying head over heels from the mountain, making this race a very traumatic undertaking. The winner is the one who is the fastest to come down from the mountain, and catch up with the cheese, which is the main prize. Because of the high traumatic and hundreds of broken necks and other extremities, the event was banned in 2010, but wishes to participate is still going on annual informal cheese race.
Running with his wife (Dorking, Surrey) 22,150,401
The ancient tradition of the transfer of his beloved through the door turned into an unusual race, which includes jogging with his wife. With his wife on his shoulders, the husband has to overcome a 400-meter distance, which is really a serious test.
Throwing rolls (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)
This tradition has been preserved from ancient times, when the mayor of the city from the top of the castle throwing buns and bread to the poor, in honor of the various royal occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, etc. Today, this tradition is almost nothing has changed, except that the poor gave way to the general population. Mayor of Abingdon still throws bun with currants or raisins from a height on the inhabitants of the city for all sorts of festive events.
Championship racing hens (Bonsall, Derbyshire)
Bonsall in these races are held over the years has become. As a rule, all the intensity of these events create competition between several villages. Races are always complete silence, so as not to frighten the hens, any fights between the hens and roosters are forbidden.
Swimming in the bolt snorkeling (Llanurtid Wells, Powys) 96,913,836
Who swims faster quagmire of 2 meters depth, he is the winner. If you get to this competition, in August, you can see how participants are doing the same thing, just sitting on a mountain bike.
Championship writhing rye (Egremont, Cumbria)
Dexterity facial muscles and no fraud.
Podmanivenie earthworms (Blekoton, Devon) 46,187,442
The name of this event sounds like "Wormcharming", which means "Charming worms." For some time participants must be by different methods (vibration of the soil), make earthworm climb out. Who will do the task for the specified time is the winner.
Blowing "pancakes" of water (Lidberi North, Shropshire) 84,215,324
Remember how we all loved as a child to let "pancakes" in the water, searching for that most flat stones?
Now you can with the same, you can work out at Lake Walcott, where championships are held zapuskaniya stones on the water.
Straw Bear Festival (Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire) 71,431,012
This festival is very similar to our carnival, but there still stuffed and set in motion. Traditionally, the man in a bear suit from straw passes around the city, accompanied by the people, and the singers, and when the grand tour of the city will be completed, the straw bear costume will be publicly burned.
Championships eating nettle (Marshvud, Dorset) 48,746,637
This world-famous competition, analogues of which are held in many cities around the world. The winner is the one who more than anyone could eat nettle leaves in a non-stop.
It is believed that the tradition of the championship began 30 years ago when a local resident offered a bet to eat 4, 5 meter stem nettle.
Running with a burning barrel (Ottery St Mary, Devon) 42,346,117
Until now, no one knows exactly why this became engaged in Ottery St Mary, but most likely it started with the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, thus it turns out that this tradition has been for 410 years.
Missed barrel filled with tar paper and straw, then set on fire, and the man has to run with it on the shoulders of the city. It's much more fun than a barrel roll burning on the ground, but why
Weighing Mayor (High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire)

This tradition was wound up in High Wycombe in 1937 and is still alive. Every year in May to weigh the mayor, along with his other officials and advisers. If compared with the last year the mayor had put on weight, it is believed that he did it for the taxpayers' money, so it can be mocked and booed, and the crowd traditionally had the right to beat him with rotten fruit and vegetables.
Cheese Race (Coopers Hill, Gloucestershire) 77,603,731
The meaning of this action lies in the fact that the participants in the race to catch up should head cheese, which was started by the organizers from the mountain top. Trying to catch up with cheese, all competitors flying head over heels from the mountain, making this race a very traumatic undertaking. The winner is the one who is the fastest to come down from the mountain, and catch up with the cheese, which is the main prize. Because of the high traumatic and hundreds of broken necks and other extremities, the event was banned in 2010, but wishes to participate is still going on annual informal cheese race.
Running with his wife (Dorking, Surrey) 22,150,401
The ancient tradition of the transfer of his beloved through the door turned into an unusual race, which includes jogging with his wife. With his wife on his shoulders, the husband has to overcome a 400-meter distance, which is really a serious test.
Throwing rolls (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)
This tradition has been preserved from ancient times, when the mayor of the city from the top of the castle throwing buns and bread to the poor, in honor of the various royal occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, etc. Today, this tradition is almost nothing has changed, except that the poor gave way to the general population. Mayor of Abingdon still throws bun with currants or raisins from a height on the inhabitants of the city for all sorts of festive events.
Championship racing hens (Bonsall, Derbyshire)

Bonsall in these races are held over the years has become. As a rule, all the intensity of these events create competition between several villages. Races are always complete silence, so as not to frighten the hens, any fights between the hens and roosters are forbidden.
Swimming in the bolt snorkeling (Llanurtid Wells, Powys) 96,913,836
Who swims faster quagmire of 2 meters depth, he is the winner. If you get to this competition, in August, you can see how participants are doing the same thing, just sitting on a mountain bike.
Championship writhing rye (Egremont, Cumbria)

Dexterity facial muscles and no fraud.
Podmanivenie earthworms (Blekoton, Devon) 46,187,442
The name of this event sounds like "Wormcharming", which means "Charming worms." For some time participants must be by different methods (vibration of the soil), make earthworm climb out. Who will do the task for the specified time is the winner.
Blowing "pancakes" of water (Lidberi North, Shropshire) 84,215,324
Remember how we all loved as a child to let "pancakes" in the water, searching for that most flat stones?

Now you can with the same, you can work out at Lake Walcott, where championships are held zapuskaniya stones on the water.
Straw Bear Festival (Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire) 71,431,012
This festival is very similar to our carnival, but there still stuffed and set in motion. Traditionally, the man in a bear suit from straw passes around the city, accompanied by the people, and the singers, and when the grand tour of the city will be completed, the straw bear costume will be publicly burned.
Championships eating nettle (Marshvud, Dorset) 48,746,637
This world-famous competition, analogues of which are held in many cities around the world. The winner is the one who more than anyone could eat nettle leaves in a non-stop.
It is believed that the tradition of the championship began 30 years ago when a local resident offered a bet to eat 4, 5 meter stem nettle.
Running with a burning barrel (Ottery St Mary, Devon) 42,346,117
Until now, no one knows exactly why this became engaged in Ottery St Mary, but most likely it started with the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, thus it turns out that this tradition has been for 410 years.
Missed barrel filled with tar paper and straw, then set on fire, and the man has to run with it on the shoulders of the city. It's much more fun than a barrel roll burning on the ground, but why
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