Etiquette of our time. Being raised by a man - it is fashionable!
What does it mean to follow the etiquette? It is not a question which every man for himself can decide for himself. Etiquette has always been a clear set of rules that must be followed. Another thing is, some individuals in our society refuse to accept it. But well, that most understand - etiquette is required for the order, it was coined for people to feel comfortable together, so no one no one interfered, but rather only help in different situations.
Education plays a big role in that people realized that it is necessary to adhere to the etiquette, even when you do not really like. To be able to control their emotions and behave with dignity - signs of a strong personality. All successful people know etiquette and follow its canons, because they esteem useful rules adapted to our modern lives. This will help you feel confident following the etiquette, you will always make a good impression.
Education plays a big role in that people realized that it is necessary to adhere to the etiquette, even when you do not really like. To be able to control their emotions and behave with dignity - signs of a strong personality. All successful people know etiquette and follow its canons, because they esteem useful rules adapted to our modern lives. This will help you feel confident following the etiquette, you will always make a good impression.
- If you invite a person in a restaurant, you pay for it. To divide the sum in half, you need to discuss this in advance.
- Do not come to visit without a call. Always warned about his arrival. If you showed up without a warning, you have every right to refuse guests.
- Do not use a smartphone during a meeting, gatherings in cafes. It is a sign of disrespect to his interlocutors.
- When your companion greet a stranger, and say hello.
- As it turns out, there is a saving in the slits of etiquette for those who do not know how to eat with chopsticks! Men are not allowed to eat sushi hands.
monitor the cleanliness of shoes - keep it with a brush and a cloth to wipe it on time. Never lead the long conversations on the phone in public places. It is not necessary to respond to insults rudeness. Just to step back from unpleasant person, not to fan the conflict. The driver must understand that might accidentally spray mud passersby. Keep an eye on how and where you're going. Women are not allowed to shoot indoors hat and gloves. But cap and gloves should be removed. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth gap in the home, prayer, the composition of the drug, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor. At the concert, in the theater, go to the movies to their seats should only face-to-sitting. The first is a man always.
The restaurant has always included the first man. Do not touch the other person during a conversation, does not violate personal space people without their apparent consent. Does not respond if someone is rude to you calls out. Using perfume moderation. In the presence of women, men can smoke only received her consent. Always greet first entering the room. I do not read other people's correspondences - so do extremely limited, impolite people. Fashion - it's great, but everything should be approached intelligently. Not all to face the fact that it is now fashionable, remember that.
Never ask forgiveness again, if you forgive not need to remind you about the annoying things interlocutor. Not to talk too loudly, do not laugh in public. Thank you for all the good, forget the bad. And finally - the wonderful words of the legendary American actor Jack Nicholson:
« I'm very sensitive to the rules of etiquette. How to pass the plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not plow a closed door without knocking. Skip forward lady. The aim of all these countless simple rules - to make life better. We can not live in a chronic state of war with their parents - it's stupid. I carefully watch your manners. This is not some abstraction. This is all understandable language of mutual respect em> ».
These ladies and gentlemen are always trying to behave decently, as appropriate. Remember that one of the main signs of educated people - not to notice other people's flaws. If someone happened awkward situation - pretend that you did not notice, if the proposed aid is inappropriate. Never point the other on their mistakes, watch yourself.
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