This is the best thing you can do for your child’s development: 7 invaluable tips!

If there was a way for your child to do better in school, you would do it, right? Believe it or not, there is a method. And it's probably easier than you realize. What's the secret? Talk to your child.
Research suggests that children need more than interactive toys and car seats to get a good start to their mental, emotional and physical development. They need words: songs, books, lullabies, bedtime stories or just plain chatter. Conversations with a child not only develop his speech, but also in general develop his mental abilities.
Every time you talk to a child, the neural connections are strengthened in their rapidly growing brain. Interestingly, the stream of speech from the radio, TV, or phone won’t have that effect. We need live communication.
Here are some tips for parents of preschool children. They will help shape their vocabulary and brain.
1. Surround your child with books from birth. Books should be near his crib, in the car and even in the bathroom. Read them to your children every day.
2. When talking to your child, use facial expressions and gestures to help him catch the meaning of your words and phrases.
3. Use interesting new words in conversations. Children understand new words better when they are spoken in context.
4. Sing and read poetry to playfully present vocabulary and intonation.
5. Talk to your child, ask questions, make comments, invite other children to share their ideas and thoughts.
6. Visit libraries and bookstores together. There are often playgrounds where children are read books or told stories. This way your child will love books.
7. Do not turn on the TV, it is bad for children and their mental activity.
Do your child a great service. Help him to love books and communication. Develop his mental abilities and thinking. Years from now, he'll appreciate your efforts.
Share these tips with your friends because they probably have kids too!
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