Do you like to take photos on film? Through this method, you can easily perenesesh your photos to your computer!
Almost every house has a set of old films, in which pictures are stored. Sometimes you want to look at them, remember the old days, and smile ponostalgirovat those years!
How in the home to make sure that pictures have appeared on your computer? This short workshop will help you to transfer images from the film to modern storage media.
You will need: a digital camera, paper and cardboard boxes.
Now you do not need to go to the professionals! You yourself will be able to transfer them, as well as the process to your liking! It's incredible!
It's very accessible, understandable, and most importantly - simply.
If you liked this video, and you are thinking about how to do it all at home - to save it on the wall so as not to lose. Your friends will be thankful for such a find!
via takprosto cc
How in the home to make sure that pictures have appeared on your computer? This short workshop will help you to transfer images from the film to modern storage media.
You will need: a digital camera, paper and cardboard boxes.
Now you do not need to go to the professionals! You yourself will be able to transfer them, as well as the process to your liking! It's incredible!
It's very accessible, understandable, and most importantly - simply.
If you liked this video, and you are thinking about how to do it all at home - to save it on the wall so as not to lose. Your friends will be thankful for such a find!
via takprosto cc
Do you want to keep the relationship? Then never do that!
10 basic rules of etiquette. They must know every self-respecting man!