This cake - the unearthly delicacy ... And it does not even need the oven!
Cooking at home cake - a real feat. Nearing the end of this tedious process, the mistress is not so happy sweetie, because the production of cake takes so much effort ... Because homemade goodies to pamper loved it turns out not as often as we would like. Good thing there are recipes you can use to cook fantastically delicious cake very quickly! This recipe fits all sweet tooth who love sweets and useful value their time. In just 20 minutes you'll get the perfect cake with a delicate taste. You will not feel that you are ready to treat half a lifetime. Try it, you will not regret.
- 250 g of cookies (better - butter, unscented);
- 100 g butter;
- 400 g «Nutella»;
- 500 grams of cheese "Philadelphia». 1. Mix butter and a tablespoon of "Nutella". Put the mixture in the microwave, the mass should be well melted.
2. Slightly moisten the pastry with water and crush it well. Pour mixture cookies "Nutella" and butter, place in refrigerator.
3. Mix the rest of the "Nutella" and cheese "Philadelphia" with a mixer. Also refrigerate the resulting mixture.
4. Get out of the refrigerator biscuit cake base. Well it leveled using a glass. It is important to choose a convenient dish for this cake, so it turned out in the best possible way.
5. Lay down on the basis of the weight of the cheese biscuits and "Nutella". Make the cake evenly on top, carefully wiping the mixture. Trailing him for a few minutes, the cake should be impregnated.
6. Miracle treats ready! This is a cake that is not met with an oven. It looks wonderful, and taste it turns extraordinary, because the combination of soft cheese and rich chocolate taste - amazing ...
This cake will rescue you if guests decide to roll up without warning. You can cook this unusual dessert with a child, he was exactly like it - is not difficult! Share with your friends this wonderful recipe for a delicious cake that does not require baking.
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