What made this woman a cup, toothpicks and nail polish - simply fantastic!
You're looking for a gift for Valentine's Day for its second half, or just recently broke your favorite cup? We have a terrific idea for you! You can create your own hands perfect gift or just a perfect cup from which you want to drink coffee or tea every morning!
For this you will need:
For this you will need:
- 1 ceramic cup;
- 2 different nail polish;
- 1 toothpick;
- 1 deep plastic piece of plate; < hot water;
- paper towels.
1. Pour into a plastic pot hot water and add a few drops of nail polish.
2. When it will be spread over the surface of the water, add a few drops of paint and again another wait, but not too long, so it does not withered.
3. reins toothpicks on the surface of the water to make patterns on the lacquer.
4. Now you lower the left cup into the water.
5. Then Get it and put it on a paper towel. Leave the cup for a few hours to dry nail polish.
And here is the video instructions:
Create a masterpiece that it pleased you or your mate each morning. Or to make a service from these plates and their guests were treated to tea. Your job is guaranteed to appreciate everything!
via takprosto cc
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