Raising a son should be with love! Terms of education that every mother should know ...
Every evening I speak to his son: "I love you" - and boy, 7 years, which corresponds to me, "All the same, I love you more ..." Some mothers are particularly fortunate, they have a son. Communication of mother and child is very strong, but in the case of sons, it was special. The man who worked all day unthinkable things - very quickly running, naughty, naughty and fought in the evening turns into a so delicate and sensitive creature that did not even believe it! This is an important point: the need to give the child to know his love - mutual, and my mother loved him no matter what. Then the boy will grow a real man, not only a strong, responsible and appropriate representation of men in this world, but also able to love! But the main thing for a man - to be able to give love to others and to appreciate it.
These rules are clear every mother, but even the most diligent parents need to remind these things. After daily vanity sometimes blurs the essence of what is happening - for the sake of what, in fact, all of us gathered here, and what all do. Think of the most beautiful moments that befall my mother, a son!
1. Feelings are transformed into words. to help your child deal with emotions is to teach him to express his feelings in words. A healthy child - one that does not hold back his emotions, understands itself, is able to control the feelings and calls a spade a spade. Emotional restraint raises many diseases! Show me by example how to express emotions properly, and how to call them.
2. Support for all. The main fan of his son - his mother, of course. She knows all about his achievements and failures, remember the smallest details of his life. Sometimes his son may be ashamed of their loyal fans, but he will always know that in this world there is a person for whom he - the most important.
3. Householder. Do economic affairs along with his son, teach him to cook, wash, clean and take care of yourself. He is for sure come in handy!
4. Reading together. Read books together! When the child is reading on their own, very cool to just sit next to him and read his book. Example adult is contagious!
5. Dance. dancing together, and never ridiculed the awkward movements of the child. Dance - way to know your body better and to express the state through movement. This is an excellent treatment of a bad mood and stress.
6. Good people. Around a lot of good people, and everyone - is wonderful in its own way! Teach the child to be susceptible to positive examples, tell me about the outstanding scientists, explorers, writers ... Faith in the people instilled since childhood. When it does not exist, life loses its meaning. On the negative son still has time to face, but see the good in everything - it can be learned.
7. The best example. Superhero - a mom. The most intelligent, beautiful and good. Always remember that you are - ideal for your child and the corresponding.
8. Good manners. To be able to give way, be polite and courteous, even to respect women - useful qualities. They will have people to his son and to promote social adaptation. Always demonstrate courtesy by example.
9. Faith. A man must believe in something. If you do not expose the child's religion, teach him to believe in the goodness and justice, in karma. Faith saves us from loneliness and despair and be with your child all his life.
10. Tenderness. There are things that need to be carefully and gently. Animals, nature, young children and other people's feelings - a real treasure.
11. Things. Things break, ports and polluted, it is inevitable. Mom should take it as a given. Excess quarrel over the soiled clothes to anything much better to teach the child to correct the consequences of their violent activities.
12. Interests. Maintain rapport with his son is very important, but it needs to be interested in what he is interested. For the mother it is useful - learning something new, it retains its youth!
13. Walking. Most walk together, enjoy the beauty around. Teach your child to understand the nature and enjoy the pleasure of observing.
14. Games. It is not always the son should win - let him play. It is a rewarding experience that will teach him to treat life philosophically. Not always everything will turn out, you need to earn the victory.
15. Help. Do not withhold child support and to seek help from him! It is an excellent tool for the education of a wise man. Helping the mother's son feels useful and learn to help others.
16. Practice. To achieve excellence, you need to work! Talents easily mean nothing. Teach her son to be diligent and do not throw things without finishing them. It did not happen on the first try - just get to the tenth.
17. Questions. Try to answer all questions asked by your child. Ask counter-questions. The most important thing - to teach the child to find the answers to all his moments alone.
18. Dad. Mom should allow the pope to be a dad! For the son of this authority, it is not necessary to compromise, even if dad does not always cope with the role.
19. Sport. For the boy is very important! Choose a sport that will not be too traumatic - for example, swimming. Physical strength and health to help man to be confident.
20. Kisses. Tactile contact is important for boys and girls. Hugging, kissing and holding hands - so show your love. Teach your child to this.
21. Society. Take it with a son on a visit to travel everywhere. This is an invaluable experience that will shape his personality!
22. Never forget to fold napkins, antibacterial agent and the plaster in the bag! Without it, the house is better not to go.
Your son - the treasure of your heart, and it should always be aware of this. The boy turns into a man, but will love you as much. Even in difficult times, remember that you're in luck! Tell other moms about these simple truths, which are always worth remembering.
via takprosto cc
These rules are clear every mother, but even the most diligent parents need to remind these things. After daily vanity sometimes blurs the essence of what is happening - for the sake of what, in fact, all of us gathered here, and what all do. Think of the most beautiful moments that befall my mother, a son!
1. Feelings are transformed into words. to help your child deal with emotions is to teach him to express his feelings in words. A healthy child - one that does not hold back his emotions, understands itself, is able to control the feelings and calls a spade a spade. Emotional restraint raises many diseases! Show me by example how to express emotions properly, and how to call them.
2. Support for all. The main fan of his son - his mother, of course. She knows all about his achievements and failures, remember the smallest details of his life. Sometimes his son may be ashamed of their loyal fans, but he will always know that in this world there is a person for whom he - the most important.
3. Householder. Do economic affairs along with his son, teach him to cook, wash, clean and take care of yourself. He is for sure come in handy!
4. Reading together. Read books together! When the child is reading on their own, very cool to just sit next to him and read his book. Example adult is contagious!
5. Dance. dancing together, and never ridiculed the awkward movements of the child. Dance - way to know your body better and to express the state through movement. This is an excellent treatment of a bad mood and stress.
6. Good people. Around a lot of good people, and everyone - is wonderful in its own way! Teach the child to be susceptible to positive examples, tell me about the outstanding scientists, explorers, writers ... Faith in the people instilled since childhood. When it does not exist, life loses its meaning. On the negative son still has time to face, but see the good in everything - it can be learned.
7. The best example. Superhero - a mom. The most intelligent, beautiful and good. Always remember that you are - ideal for your child and the corresponding.

8. Good manners. To be able to give way, be polite and courteous, even to respect women - useful qualities. They will have people to his son and to promote social adaptation. Always demonstrate courtesy by example.
9. Faith. A man must believe in something. If you do not expose the child's religion, teach him to believe in the goodness and justice, in karma. Faith saves us from loneliness and despair and be with your child all his life.
10. Tenderness. There are things that need to be carefully and gently. Animals, nature, young children and other people's feelings - a real treasure.
11. Things. Things break, ports and polluted, it is inevitable. Mom should take it as a given. Excess quarrel over the soiled clothes to anything much better to teach the child to correct the consequences of their violent activities.
12. Interests. Maintain rapport with his son is very important, but it needs to be interested in what he is interested. For the mother it is useful - learning something new, it retains its youth!

13. Walking. Most walk together, enjoy the beauty around. Teach your child to understand the nature and enjoy the pleasure of observing.
14. Games. It is not always the son should win - let him play. It is a rewarding experience that will teach him to treat life philosophically. Not always everything will turn out, you need to earn the victory.
15. Help. Do not withhold child support and to seek help from him! It is an excellent tool for the education of a wise man. Helping the mother's son feels useful and learn to help others.
16. Practice. To achieve excellence, you need to work! Talents easily mean nothing. Teach her son to be diligent and do not throw things without finishing them. It did not happen on the first try - just get to the tenth.
17. Questions. Try to answer all questions asked by your child. Ask counter-questions. The most important thing - to teach the child to find the answers to all his moments alone.
18. Dad. Mom should allow the pope to be a dad! For the son of this authority, it is not necessary to compromise, even if dad does not always cope with the role.
19. Sport. For the boy is very important! Choose a sport that will not be too traumatic - for example, swimming. Physical strength and health to help man to be confident.
20. Kisses. Tactile contact is important for boys and girls. Hugging, kissing and holding hands - so show your love. Teach your child to this.
21. Society. Take it with a son on a visit to travel everywhere. This is an invaluable experience that will shape his personality!
22. Never forget to fold napkins, antibacterial agent and the plaster in the bag! Without it, the house is better not to go.
Your son - the treasure of your heart, and it should always be aware of this. The boy turns into a man, but will love you as much. Even in difficult times, remember that you're in luck! Tell other moms about these simple truths, which are always worth remembering.
via takprosto cc
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