50 of the best tips that you can give to her daughter. Some of them are touching to tears ...
Every parent wants to give their child the best. This is not only a prestigious education, stylish clothing or delicious food. Sometimes wise advice is worth more than the most beautiful dresses. How many mistakes can be avoided in education, knowing even a small fraction of these tips. Our paper will not leave anyone indifferent. Those who have a daughter, is dedicated.
1. Love yourself and you will be much easier to live.
2. Be prepared for the fact that, after graduating from high school, you are entering into this life, and it is very different from what you imagine.
3. Not all of the girls with whom you'll be friends, will become your best friends for many years.
4. If you vsë still find a true friend, keep a relationship with him, even at a great distance.
5. Do not chase for material things - they do not make you happy.
6. Even in the most ugly and unworthy cases do not judge anyone. However, whether she is ready to become the subject of gossip and debate. Will not please everyone.
7. More often spends time with his grandmother. She can teach you a lot.
8. Remember: the problem - this is not the end of the world. Even after the rain comes the sun.
9. Do not over vsë in this life have to fight.
10. Do not compare yourself with others. Such as you, they would not be vsë.
11. No matter how strong your feelings may be, does not dissolve completely in love. So you risk losing yourself.
12. Learn to speak beautifully and intelligently. It will definitely help you in life.
13. Do not be afraid to say "no." This word does not just rescue you.
14. Life you have one. Try to fill it with happy memories and events.
15. Do not run for the men. They have to do to achieve your location.
16. Compliment - a powerful weapon. Teach them to make and receive.
17. Always be honest to ourselves and to others.
18. Do not be afraid of loneliness, it provides time for self-development.
19. Do not be afraid to talk about their feelings.
20. If you want to argue - argue, but remember the 9 th Rule.
21. Knowledge - is power. Read as much as possible the different literature.
22. If a party guy you did not find the books - safely turn around and go away.
23. Remember: you - the person, and not someone else's property!
24. You should be able to fend for themselves. And then - and for their children.
25. As corny as it sounds, but learn from your mistakes. Do not be afraid to make a mistake.
26. Do not send e-mail that could not be placed on the front page of the newspaper. Even deleted files and folders vsë may still emerge.
27. Do at least one good deed a day. Help others brings happiness.
28. Be gracious in education and communication, and you will develop the best view.
29. Women's intuition is - a powerful thing. Try to always trust her.
30. Be polite, not only with seniors but also with their peers and with those who are younger than you.
31. Remember: your actions say more about you than your words.
32. Do not try to hide their feelings, better find a way to express them.
33. Strive to see beauty even in simple things.
34. Take care of your skin from an early age - use sunscreen.
35. Be close to those who love you.
36. Self-confident people attractive to others. Whatever happens, you go through life with your head held high.
37. Do not be afraid of her tears. They can find new strength.
38. Laughter - a medicine for body and soul.
39. Do not be afraid to listen to loud music and dancing. You can even sing along if you want.
40. In short, you can not only treat, but also hurt. Think before you speak.
41. This home is where you love and expect, and not where you live.
42. Apologize - not to show weakness. It means to show wisdom.
43. In order to be good, you need to work. Learn to be self-sufficient.
44. You're a beautiful, intelligent and self-sufficient.
45. Even if we sometimes swear, I still love you vsë.
46. If you want me to say something, remember, I'm always there.
47. You are always capable of more than you think.
48. You are the best, do not let anyone ever lower your self-esteem.
49. Life - is today. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Live for today and be happy.
50. I would like to repeat once again: I will always love you!
It seems not so long ago beloved daughter was in diapers and joyfully agukala. But time passes, and her life have to be faced with a huge number of both positive and negative aspects. So I want her to live with dignity, even if Mom and Dad will not be there! If your acquaintances or friends has a daughter - tell them about this article. It provides answers not only for adults but also for children.
via takprosto cc

1. Love yourself and you will be much easier to live.
2. Be prepared for the fact that, after graduating from high school, you are entering into this life, and it is very different from what you imagine.
3. Not all of the girls with whom you'll be friends, will become your best friends for many years.
4. If you vsë still find a true friend, keep a relationship with him, even at a great distance.
5. Do not chase for material things - they do not make you happy.
6. Even in the most ugly and unworthy cases do not judge anyone. However, whether she is ready to become the subject of gossip and debate. Will not please everyone.
7. More often spends time with his grandmother. She can teach you a lot.
8. Remember: the problem - this is not the end of the world. Even after the rain comes the sun.
9. Do not over vsë in this life have to fight.
10. Do not compare yourself with others. Such as you, they would not be vsë.
11. No matter how strong your feelings may be, does not dissolve completely in love. So you risk losing yourself.
12. Learn to speak beautifully and intelligently. It will definitely help you in life.
13. Do not be afraid to say "no." This word does not just rescue you.
14. Life you have one. Try to fill it with happy memories and events.
15. Do not run for the men. They have to do to achieve your location.
16. Compliment - a powerful weapon. Teach them to make and receive.
17. Always be honest to ourselves and to others.
18. Do not be afraid of loneliness, it provides time for self-development.
19. Do not be afraid to talk about their feelings.
20. If you want to argue - argue, but remember the 9 th Rule.
21. Knowledge - is power. Read as much as possible the different literature.
22. If a party guy you did not find the books - safely turn around and go away.
23. Remember: you - the person, and not someone else's property!
24. You should be able to fend for themselves. And then - and for their children.
25. As corny as it sounds, but learn from your mistakes. Do not be afraid to make a mistake.
26. Do not send e-mail that could not be placed on the front page of the newspaper. Even deleted files and folders vsë may still emerge.
27. Do at least one good deed a day. Help others brings happiness.
28. Be gracious in education and communication, and you will develop the best view.
29. Women's intuition is - a powerful thing. Try to always trust her.
30. Be polite, not only with seniors but also with their peers and with those who are younger than you.
31. Remember: your actions say more about you than your words.
32. Do not try to hide their feelings, better find a way to express them.
33. Strive to see beauty even in simple things.
34. Take care of your skin from an early age - use sunscreen.
35. Be close to those who love you.
36. Self-confident people attractive to others. Whatever happens, you go through life with your head held high.
37. Do not be afraid of her tears. They can find new strength.
38. Laughter - a medicine for body and soul.
39. Do not be afraid to listen to loud music and dancing. You can even sing along if you want.
40. In short, you can not only treat, but also hurt. Think before you speak.
41. This home is where you love and expect, and not where you live.
42. Apologize - not to show weakness. It means to show wisdom.
43. In order to be good, you need to work. Learn to be self-sufficient.
44. You're a beautiful, intelligent and self-sufficient.
45. Even if we sometimes swear, I still love you vsë.
46. If you want me to say something, remember, I'm always there.
47. You are always capable of more than you think.
48. You are the best, do not let anyone ever lower your self-esteem.
49. Life - is today. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Live for today and be happy.
50. I would like to repeat once again: I will always love you!

It seems not so long ago beloved daughter was in diapers and joyfully agukala. But time passes, and her life have to be faced with a huge number of both positive and negative aspects. So I want her to live with dignity, even if Mom and Dad will not be there! If your acquaintances or friends has a daughter - tell them about this article. It provides answers not only for adults but also for children.
via takprosto cc
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