The original idea for convenient storage of shoes. Very compact and neat!
When buying new shoes, we always face the problem of lack of space to store it. The boxes in which shoes are sold in shops occupy a lot of space, so sooner or later have to think of something for easy and compact storage the entire arsenal of sneakers, ballet shoes and boats. It offers you comfortable, and at the same time a simple way to store shoes. So it will take up very little space, and you can quickly and easily find you a couple. This coat hanger can be done in a jiffy. Below is a step by step instructions for its manufacture.
All you need - cheap trempel clothes.
These are the hangers should turn out in the end.
Mark compartment in his closet for storing shoes and to develop it in such veshalochkah. You'll be pleasantly surprised by their comfort. Like the idea? Then share it with your friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
All you need - cheap trempel clothes.

These are the hangers should turn out in the end.

Mark compartment in his closet for storing shoes and to develop it in such veshalochkah. You'll be pleasantly surprised by their comfort. Like the idea? Then share it with your friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
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