This girl has got rid of the trash and moved into a house on wheels. I envy her determination!
Rebecca Paulson - a modern girl, which a little more than 30. She is originally from the small town of Fort Collins, Colorado. At one point, Rebecca realized that lives surrounded by her completely unnecessary things: a lot of books in the library, a lot of furniture, a pile of accumulated detail, unused utensils, clothes, souvenirs ... Things are everywhere, and a lot of them! She admitted that her apartment was like a warehouse store antiques. It was beautiful, Paulson had for his great affection for things. But over time they became interfere with her normal life. Because our heroine decided to take a desperate step. Its determination can only envy. And as it is alien to those who have a balcony littered with trash to the limit ...
His attraction to the accumulation of all sorts of things, Rebecca decided to nip in the bud. To do this, she came up with a cunning plan: give all acquired good friends, and most move into a small house on wheels. To some this may seem crazy, but it all turned out!
She chose a small house specialties - in order not to be tempted to fill all the space stuff again. She not only acquired already built house on wheels: Here, too, has its own history. After reviewing the prices comfortable vans, Rebecca decided to build a home on their own. She bought a pretty shabby house and dismantled it to the ground and then rebuilt.
Rebecca Paulson acquired sickly experience in construction. Chooses, from which it will be made wall - chipboard and plywood sheets become relevant in the hot climate of Colorado. And she did skylights!
She came up with an ingenious plan for the distribution of their belongings. By using your Facebook she found wanting to get a nice little presents among friends. Books and clothes went very quickly!
There are 3 pairs of shoes, a few sweaters, shirts and jeans - wardrobe girl. She can not believe that to minimize the content of items in your home, reminiscent of previous landfill luxury items.
In memory of Rebecca has left itself only 35 books. She loved all the childhood collecting, but realized that her life is much more than all the surrounding things. Sacrificing himself to inanimate objects - as something silly. Now she goes to the store only the most necessary. And when Rebecca appears bent indulge in any unnecessary purchase, she remembers that little house is too little space for this luxury! So you need to heal shopogolizm ...
It is an unusual suite is Rebecca in the house - compost. It does not need water! Rebecca is sleeping in the attic, it has a mattress and bed linen. Housing is provided with electricity by solar batteries.
The house has no oven and freezer, but there is a small camp stove and a mini fridge. His little paradise Rebecca Paulson shares with a dog.
Now Rebecca lives are not like they used to. She moved to the countryside, she was able to agree on the placement of his house on a plot of responsive farmers. For household help good people allowed the girl to live there free of charge. Once Rebecca was a hobby - she was knitting, perhaps, the only thing for what misses a desperate woman.
This amazing example of minimalism in the era of consumption when people become hostages of their own affairs. But happiness - not in them ... You have decided on such an adventure? Introduce friends with an unusual story of this girl.
via takprosto cc
His attraction to the accumulation of all sorts of things, Rebecca decided to nip in the bud. To do this, she came up with a cunning plan: give all acquired good friends, and most move into a small house on wheels. To some this may seem crazy, but it all turned out!

She chose a small house specialties - in order not to be tempted to fill all the space stuff again. She not only acquired already built house on wheels: Here, too, has its own history. After reviewing the prices comfortable vans, Rebecca decided to build a home on their own. She bought a pretty shabby house and dismantled it to the ground and then rebuilt.

Rebecca Paulson acquired sickly experience in construction. Chooses, from which it will be made wall - chipboard and plywood sheets become relevant in the hot climate of Colorado. And she did skylights!

She came up with an ingenious plan for the distribution of their belongings. By using your Facebook she found wanting to get a nice little presents among friends. Books and clothes went very quickly!

There are 3 pairs of shoes, a few sweaters, shirts and jeans - wardrobe girl. She can not believe that to minimize the content of items in your home, reminiscent of previous landfill luxury items.

In memory of Rebecca has left itself only 35 books. She loved all the childhood collecting, but realized that her life is much more than all the surrounding things. Sacrificing himself to inanimate objects - as something silly. Now she goes to the store only the most necessary. And when Rebecca appears bent indulge in any unnecessary purchase, she remembers that little house is too little space for this luxury! So you need to heal shopogolizm ...

It is an unusual suite is Rebecca in the house - compost. It does not need water! Rebecca is sleeping in the attic, it has a mattress and bed linen. Housing is provided with electricity by solar batteries.

The house has no oven and freezer, but there is a small camp stove and a mini fridge. His little paradise Rebecca Paulson shares with a dog.

Now Rebecca lives are not like they used to. She moved to the countryside, she was able to agree on the placement of his house on a plot of responsive farmers. For household help good people allowed the girl to live there free of charge. Once Rebecca was a hobby - she was knitting, perhaps, the only thing for what misses a desperate woman.
This amazing example of minimalism in the era of consumption when people become hostages of their own affairs. But happiness - not in them ... You have decided on such an adventure? Introduce friends with an unusual story of this girl.
via takprosto cc
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