7 facts about the father's role in child development. It is worth to know everyone!
It is believed that in the upbringing of the child, the father must take the position of "co-pilot". Many may think that its role is less significant, but in fact it is not so.
This stereotype about the role of the father has long been known, but the most widely he had received in the 70-ies of the last century, when it was supported by leading educators and psychologists in the world. However, modern research shows that in the past academic authorities are deeply mistaken. Today we present seven recent discoveries of modern scientists, who published Paul Raeburn in his book "Is it important to fathers?».
Gene struggle
Harvard biologist named David Haig published a study that showed that the genes of the father and mother of genes behave differently in the embryo. First try to as much maternal forces transmitted to future heir, even if the woman will suffer. The latter also can limit a child in the name of saving the mother's body.
Less risk during pregnancy
At the University of Florida conducted a study which confirmed that the constant presence of the father during pregnancy has a positive effect on the unborn child. If my father was not there, the children are much more likely to be born prematurely. In addition, the probability of death of infants during the first months of life is also significantly increased. Also, the presence of the father positively reflected on the health of the expectant mother.
less painful childbirth
Studies indicate that if during childbirth near present husband, the woman is much easier to tolerate pain. In addition, men who have seen with their own eyes the appearance of a child into the world, spend more time caring for them is much more involved in his upbringing.
However, after birth
It is very important to my father as much as possible communicate with the child after birth. His absence in the future may negatively affect the child's behavior and communication with peers.
Reduce the aggressiveness heir
Scientists from Oxford watched children from one year. If their lives are regularly absent fathers, in the future, their behavior is much more likely to show aggression. At the same amount of time that give the child's mother, this factor does not affect.
The effect of the father in the development of speech
Fathers stronger influence on language development of the child than the mother. The fact that mothers often see the kid, so more aware of its linguistic features and use fewer words, in accordance with the abilities of the child. When talking with the child's father, he enjoys a wider vocabulary, which helps to develop its crumbs. These data are confirmed by many studies throughout the world.
girls growing up with his father and without ...
Scientists have long noticed that if a girl is growing up without a father, that reaches puberty much earlier than her peers. But for a long time, no one could explain this phenomenon. It turns out that these girls subconsciously convince themselves that the man next to a long time will not, so you need as quickly as possible to become an adult. It is alleged that the reason may also be a lack of odor father. At least in the presence of the animal world pheromones father slows puberty offspring.
In the end, we want to wish that all men could with a clear conscience Raeburn repeat the words: « I am pleased to know that my presence makes my children. But I spend time with them not because of it. I just love them! Em> »If you agree with him, he will surely tell me about this stuff to their friends using social networks.
via takprosto cc
This stereotype about the role of the father has long been known, but the most widely he had received in the 70-ies of the last century, when it was supported by leading educators and psychologists in the world. However, modern research shows that in the past academic authorities are deeply mistaken. Today we present seven recent discoveries of modern scientists, who published Paul Raeburn in his book "Is it important to fathers?».
Gene struggle
Harvard biologist named David Haig published a study that showed that the genes of the father and mother of genes behave differently in the embryo. First try to as much maternal forces transmitted to future heir, even if the woman will suffer. The latter also can limit a child in the name of saving the mother's body.
Less risk during pregnancy
At the University of Florida conducted a study which confirmed that the constant presence of the father during pregnancy has a positive effect on the unborn child. If my father was not there, the children are much more likely to be born prematurely. In addition, the probability of death of infants during the first months of life is also significantly increased. Also, the presence of the father positively reflected on the health of the expectant mother.

less painful childbirth
Studies indicate that if during childbirth near present husband, the woman is much easier to tolerate pain. In addition, men who have seen with their own eyes the appearance of a child into the world, spend more time caring for them is much more involved in his upbringing.
However, after birth
It is very important to my father as much as possible communicate with the child after birth. His absence in the future may negatively affect the child's behavior and communication with peers.
Reduce the aggressiveness heir
Scientists from Oxford watched children from one year. If their lives are regularly absent fathers, in the future, their behavior is much more likely to show aggression. At the same amount of time that give the child's mother, this factor does not affect.
The effect of the father in the development of speech
Fathers stronger influence on language development of the child than the mother. The fact that mothers often see the kid, so more aware of its linguistic features and use fewer words, in accordance with the abilities of the child. When talking with the child's father, he enjoys a wider vocabulary, which helps to develop its crumbs. These data are confirmed by many studies throughout the world.

girls growing up with his father and without ...
Scientists have long noticed that if a girl is growing up without a father, that reaches puberty much earlier than her peers. But for a long time, no one could explain this phenomenon. It turns out that these girls subconsciously convince themselves that the man next to a long time will not, so you need as quickly as possible to become an adult. It is alleged that the reason may also be a lack of odor father. At least in the presence of the animal world pheromones father slows puberty offspring.
In the end, we want to wish that all men could with a clear conscience Raeburn repeat the words: « I am pleased to know that my presence makes my children. But I spend time with them not because of it. I just love them! Em> »If you agree with him, he will surely tell me about this stuff to their friends using social networks.
via takprosto cc
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