Camye bad baby pictures in the history of photography.
It's close to all parents as soon as it comes time to take pictures, even the normally quiet child suddenly begins to cry and capricious. Or your daughter suddenly for no apparent reason starts pryayamo grimacing at the camera, or the little son suddenly decides to represent, at best, Danny DeVito. No matter what the reason, but very often shooting the children are not at all according to plan. You never know what to expect from your baby. These pranksters it is very unpredictable. Here are 30 children's portraits, which seemed to us the most unsuccessful.
Have fun or frightened friends, sharing with them these horrific photos of kids.

Have fun or frightened friends, sharing with them these horrific photos of kids.
The sea is calling, wave singing, and you ... in your office? Then the rush to rest on these beaches!
Take care of the beard, Pope