The son took a picture of his mother, without asking permission. And it is abruptly changed her life!
When I view photos on your phone, accidentally I saw it. Photo on which I lay on the beach totally exhausted, his arms outstretched and legs apart and turned away from all.
Photo: Bridgette White
At first I was shocked. Who did this horrible photo? Aversion to itself grew in me with every second more and more, and I'm just about ready to burst into tears. Just at that moment, when I was about to delete the photo, in walked my son. «Maybe you can tell me, where did this picture?» i> - I asked him. I showed him the photo. His first reaction was a smile from ear to ear. «Mom, I took a picture of you when we were at the lake. I just could not resist ». I>
«But you have to ask permission before taking my phone and take pictures of me!» i> - I said, exasperated. «Yes, you're right, mom, but look how good you look there. No, really! » I> Once again, I looked at the picture and tried to see what I was trying to explain to the son. Then came a daughter and looked at the photo over my shoulder. «Mom, this image can be printed on a postcard», i> - she said, smiling sincerely. «You are very beautiful! I love this photo! » I>
I took a deep breath. In fact, it was what I needed. I always pay attention only to their shortcomings. But gradually everything began presenting me in a different light:
I still see my full hips. But I also see a woman who was tired after a walk with their children.
I see my plump hands. But I also see the hand of a mother who raised her children in her arms, so they do not hurt my feet on the stones or burned them on the hot sand.
I see a complete woman, who wore a black leotard indoors to hide problem areas. But I also see a happy mother who doted in their children.
Since I can remember, I'm struggling with obesity, like many women. And, apparently, I will continue to do it. It seems to me not to be slim and model looks, I never would. For 10 years, I am constantly weighed. Yet I do not let excess weight to bother me: all wear the same T-shirts, beach dresses, swimsuits.
I often go for a walk with their children and play with them outdoors. Sometimes I even feel attractive! Yes, you heard right. As there was in "West Side Story»: «I feel beautiful, so beautiful and clever!» I> Well, maybe I'm not so sure of that much. But to think in this direction.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and more sensible? Or the reason is that I now have more important things to care about than the impression I make on others. Or because my kids look at me with eyes full of adoration? One thing is clear: I just stopped hating my body. Of course, I will continue to work on yourself, exercise and eat right to be healthy. But right now I want to love yourself and your body for what it is. I wish that I saw myself the same what I see my children.
Children, thank you very much! I LOVE YOU!
This woman is brilliant! Share this beautiful and touching story.
via ofigenno cc

Photo: Bridgette White
At first I was shocked. Who did this horrible photo? Aversion to itself grew in me with every second more and more, and I'm just about ready to burst into tears. Just at that moment, when I was about to delete the photo, in walked my son. «Maybe you can tell me, where did this picture?» i> - I asked him. I showed him the photo. His first reaction was a smile from ear to ear. «Mom, I took a picture of you when we were at the lake. I just could not resist ». I>
«But you have to ask permission before taking my phone and take pictures of me!» i> - I said, exasperated. «Yes, you're right, mom, but look how good you look there. No, really! » I> Once again, I looked at the picture and tried to see what I was trying to explain to the son. Then came a daughter and looked at the photo over my shoulder. «Mom, this image can be printed on a postcard», i> - she said, smiling sincerely. «You are very beautiful! I love this photo! » I>
I took a deep breath. In fact, it was what I needed. I always pay attention only to their shortcomings. But gradually everything began presenting me in a different light:
I still see my full hips. But I also see a woman who was tired after a walk with their children.
I see my plump hands. But I also see the hand of a mother who raised her children in her arms, so they do not hurt my feet on the stones or burned them on the hot sand.
I see a complete woman, who wore a black leotard indoors to hide problem areas. But I also see a happy mother who doted in their children.
Since I can remember, I'm struggling with obesity, like many women. And, apparently, I will continue to do it. It seems to me not to be slim and model looks, I never would. For 10 years, I am constantly weighed. Yet I do not let excess weight to bother me: all wear the same T-shirts, beach dresses, swimsuits.
I often go for a walk with their children and play with them outdoors. Sometimes I even feel attractive! Yes, you heard right. As there was in "West Side Story»: «I feel beautiful, so beautiful and clever!» I> Well, maybe I'm not so sure of that much. But to think in this direction.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and more sensible? Or the reason is that I now have more important things to care about than the impression I make on others. Or because my kids look at me with eyes full of adoration? One thing is clear: I just stopped hating my body. Of course, I will continue to work on yourself, exercise and eat right to be healthy. But right now I want to love yourself and your body for what it is. I wish that I saw myself the same what I see my children.
Children, thank you very much! I LOVE YOU!
This woman is brilliant! Share this beautiful and touching story.
via ofigenno cc
This device has saved the lives of many homeless dogs. Genious idea!
This doctor a true magician. The kid has never been so laughed at the injection!