17 essential ingredients in order to be happy. Life is short - act!
Being happy is not always easy - sometimes it resembles a real job. And therefore always need to know a couple of secrets that come to help in difficult times.
1. Ready to be OK when things are not in order. B>
A happy person is not one who is happy all the time, but one that is very gracefully going through all the turmoil, knowing that in the end everything will be fine.
2. Humility. B>
Be in harmony with yourself, be ready to say that you were wrong, be prepared to ask for help - this is something that helps to objectively assess the situation and to balance all the factors. Trying to protect yourself from humility, people lose control of himself, which ultimately destroys them.
3. Several close friends from different walks of life who meet the various aspects of your being. B>
Not so important to have a lot of friends. It is much more important to have a few really close friends, with whom you will be yourself. With them you will be completely comfortable, and you will be able to fully experience the joy of life.
4. Enough money to pay the bills, and a little bit put off spending plus appreciation and understanding of what money can make life happier. B>
For the money you can buy the books you love to read. For the money you can attend yoga classes, buy nice clothes and live in a lovely house. Yes, the money itself will not make you happy. But what you can for them to acquire and that will bring you pleasure - that's what is really important.
5. The ability to understand that everything you do is a reflection of your being. B>
Once you understand this, you can immediately set up your individual locus of control. You understand that you are in control of their experience, and that you can choose happiness in spite of everything.
6. Good health. B>
By this is meant not constant trips to the doctors in search of diseases. This means high-quality drinking water, the use of fresh produce, walking outdoors with your loved ones, meditation. It's hard to enjoy something, if your state of health is fading.
7. Always have long-term plans and projects, fills life with meaning and a sense of accomplishment. B>
It absolutely does not mean that you lose touch with the present moment. It says only that the person is willing to constantly evolve and move on.
8. Always ready to turn off the phone, turn off your computer and forget about business and enjoying life. B>
No matter how much you love your job. The main thing - do not miss the beginning samovygoraniya moment when nothing can help. It should always be aware of the balance of work and rest.
9. To be able to let off steam. B>
You should know what to do when you lose control over the situation. It may be meditation, sports, reading mantras. It does not matter. The main thing - to find their own individual method of sedation.
10. Several stressful situations that will keep you in good shape. B>
The most peaceful, the kindest and most loving people - those who have seen any in my lifetime. And it is able to survive with dignity. They know how life is beautiful.
11. Acceptance of what "good" and "evil" - a subjective concept. B>
This, of course, will come with experience. But do not divide the world into black and white. It's full of bright colors.
12. The ability to understand that "this too shall pass». B>
Fall and destruction - it's not permanent. You have to understand that there are light and dark stripes. After all, if they were not, we would not know what is bad and what is good.
13. Thanks. B>
Some people think that is only thanks to some things. But any experience, any loss sometimes you can play on hand. So I am thankful for everything that happens in your life.
14. The full vision of the picture - what is important is only for you. B>
If you will constantly get hung up on the little things you miss the most important thing in my life. What really important - it's just you know. So find yourself its values, and take care of them.
15. The ability to enjoy the little things every passing day. B>
Do not you remember all the years of his life, but you'll remember some moments. All significant items gathered from smaller. Remember that.
16. Easy. B>
Cleanse your space by unnecessary things and people, keep it simple and look at the world with a smile. This all is the simplicity of the whole of life.
17. The purpose. B>
This is the foundation of happiness. Without goals, we - nothing. Only goal fills our existence with happiness and joy.
These secrets of a happy life will be interested to read your friends. Make the world better - share them!

1. Ready to be OK when things are not in order. B>
A happy person is not one who is happy all the time, but one that is very gracefully going through all the turmoil, knowing that in the end everything will be fine.
2. Humility. B>
Be in harmony with yourself, be ready to say that you were wrong, be prepared to ask for help - this is something that helps to objectively assess the situation and to balance all the factors. Trying to protect yourself from humility, people lose control of himself, which ultimately destroys them.
3. Several close friends from different walks of life who meet the various aspects of your being. B>
Not so important to have a lot of friends. It is much more important to have a few really close friends, with whom you will be yourself. With them you will be completely comfortable, and you will be able to fully experience the joy of life.
4. Enough money to pay the bills, and a little bit put off spending plus appreciation and understanding of what money can make life happier. B>
For the money you can buy the books you love to read. For the money you can attend yoga classes, buy nice clothes and live in a lovely house. Yes, the money itself will not make you happy. But what you can for them to acquire and that will bring you pleasure - that's what is really important.
5. The ability to understand that everything you do is a reflection of your being. B>
Once you understand this, you can immediately set up your individual locus of control. You understand that you are in control of their experience, and that you can choose happiness in spite of everything.
6. Good health. B>
By this is meant not constant trips to the doctors in search of diseases. This means high-quality drinking water, the use of fresh produce, walking outdoors with your loved ones, meditation. It's hard to enjoy something, if your state of health is fading.
7. Always have long-term plans and projects, fills life with meaning and a sense of accomplishment. B>
It absolutely does not mean that you lose touch with the present moment. It says only that the person is willing to constantly evolve and move on.
8. Always ready to turn off the phone, turn off your computer and forget about business and enjoying life. B>
No matter how much you love your job. The main thing - do not miss the beginning samovygoraniya moment when nothing can help. It should always be aware of the balance of work and rest.
9. To be able to let off steam. B>
You should know what to do when you lose control over the situation. It may be meditation, sports, reading mantras. It does not matter. The main thing - to find their own individual method of sedation.
10. Several stressful situations that will keep you in good shape. B>
The most peaceful, the kindest and most loving people - those who have seen any in my lifetime. And it is able to survive with dignity. They know how life is beautiful.
11. Acceptance of what "good" and "evil" - a subjective concept. B>
This, of course, will come with experience. But do not divide the world into black and white. It's full of bright colors.
12. The ability to understand that "this too shall pass». B>
Fall and destruction - it's not permanent. You have to understand that there are light and dark stripes. After all, if they were not, we would not know what is bad and what is good.
13. Thanks. B>
Some people think that is only thanks to some things. But any experience, any loss sometimes you can play on hand. So I am thankful for everything that happens in your life.
14. The full vision of the picture - what is important is only for you. B>
If you will constantly get hung up on the little things you miss the most important thing in my life. What really important - it's just you know. So find yourself its values, and take care of them.
15. The ability to enjoy the little things every passing day. B>
Do not you remember all the years of his life, but you'll remember some moments. All significant items gathered from smaller. Remember that.
16. Easy. B>
Cleanse your space by unnecessary things and people, keep it simple and look at the world with a smile. This all is the simplicity of the whole of life.
17. The purpose. B>
This is the foundation of happiness. Without goals, we - nothing. Only goal fills our existence with happiness and joy.
These secrets of a happy life will be interested to read your friends. Make the world better - share them!
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