Daily closing ceremony of the border between India and Pakistan. It is an art or a circus?
"The Berlin Wall of Asia" - so often referred to as the Indo-Pakistan border, passing through a small town Wagah. Every day at the border comes an exciting event - ceremony of removing the flag changing of the guard, and the traditional closing of the border. Costumes military party recalls chic outfits of the actors in theatrical production. It's amazing how well developed the play with a lot of chants, slogans, dances and rituals.
This idea has also attracted the attention of the elements of patriotic propaganda and characteristic for India and for the Pakistani culture, spectacular moments. Every day a lot of people from the neighboring villages and other cities, as well as specially arrived from afar tourists visit the event.
What a profound drama - two equivalent rich culture, survived a sharp military conflict, though united in enchanting ceremony.
Look spectacular video and share it with your friends!
This idea has also attracted the attention of the elements of patriotic propaganda and characteristic for India and for the Pakistani culture, spectacular moments. Every day a lot of people from the neighboring villages and other cities, as well as specially arrived from afar tourists visit the event.
What a profound drama - two equivalent rich culture, survived a sharp military conflict, though united in enchanting ceremony.
Look spectacular video and share it with your friends!
22 most original design of stairs, making a raise on the second floor of a delight.
What happens if I deprive a monkey? Amazing experiment that is worth seeing!