Love does not love
Ridiculous sniffing, kisses and wagging tail - that the symptoms that the dog loves its owner. But what if you - an avid ailurophile, and you can not wait to find out whether you love your cat purring lazy? 6 These signs will help you understand the feelings of a four-legged pet.
The cat is always there, wherever you go.
Bear in mind that cats - are animals that walk by themselves. Therefore, if he pursues you, it means that your pet is tied to you.
Photo: Violas Visions
When your cat passes by, it keeps the tail gun.
According to John Bradshaw, a researcher at the behavior of cats, a raised tail indicates that the cat is happy and in a good mood. Apparently, my cat likes you.
Photo: Sean Hobson
Your cat sometimes flashes you.
Cat flashing akin to the kiss. Blinking cat tells you that feels safe.
Photo: Wallpapersam
The cat licks your face and pulls your hair.
When a cat starts to lick the owner, it means that pet trusts him. This kind of indicator of proximity.
Photo: My Cat
The cat rubs his cheek on you.
On the cheeks feline pheromones are located. When a cat rubs against you, it distributes this elusive for human scent. Know that it is a friendly signal.
Photo: Shkola Zhizni
Cat brings you little presents.
Cat and mothers teach their kittens to hunt not only, but also to show that they are words. Therefore, bringing you a mouse or a bird, a cat sees you as a family member who simply do not hunt.
Photo: mongider
The cat is always there, wherever you go.
Bear in mind that cats - are animals that walk by themselves. Therefore, if he pursues you, it means that your pet is tied to you.
Photo: Violas Visions
When your cat passes by, it keeps the tail gun.
According to John Bradshaw, a researcher at the behavior of cats, a raised tail indicates that the cat is happy and in a good mood. Apparently, my cat likes you.
Photo: Sean Hobson
Your cat sometimes flashes you.
Cat flashing akin to the kiss. Blinking cat tells you that feels safe.
Photo: Wallpapersam
The cat licks your face and pulls your hair.
When a cat starts to lick the owner, it means that pet trusts him. This kind of indicator of proximity.
Photo: My Cat
The cat rubs his cheek on you.
On the cheeks feline pheromones are located. When a cat rubs against you, it distributes this elusive for human scent. Know that it is a friendly signal.
Photo: Shkola Zhizni
Cat brings you little presents.
Cat and mothers teach their kittens to hunt not only, but also to show that they are words. Therefore, bringing you a mouse or a bird, a cat sees you as a family member who simply do not hunt.
Photo: mongider