As the light changes facial features? This amazing video will reveal all the secrets of beauty in the dark!
Sometimes it happens that the first time he met with a man in the evening, we hardly know him at daylight at the next meeting. Why is that? The fact that the lighting has a direct impact on the look of facial features. No wonder for photographers and artists of the correct formulation of the light - a science, without knowledge of which it is impossible to make a quality portrait.
Light can soften facial features or make them more expressive, hide flaws and highlight their - it all depends on the angle of illumination. It depend on it and shadow: their size, depth and direction. With the help of lighting can change a person's mood and visual. A person can become a mysterious and enigmatic, agitated and frightened, or repulsive, and even aggressive.
This video shows how you can play with the light, thereby changing the features of the human face.
//player.vimeo.com/video/63602119?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Из-за that coverage is constantly changing, it is difficult to determine the age of the girl, as well as to understand how it actually looks.
Music in the background adds to the process of shooting something mysterious, even mystical. Be sure to share this great video with friends!
Light can soften facial features or make them more expressive, hide flaws and highlight their - it all depends on the angle of illumination. It depend on it and shadow: their size, depth and direction. With the help of lighting can change a person's mood and visual. A person can become a mysterious and enigmatic, agitated and frightened, or repulsive, and even aggressive.
This video shows how you can play with the light, thereby changing the features of the human face.
//player.vimeo.com/video/63602119?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Из-за that coverage is constantly changing, it is difficult to determine the age of the girl, as well as to understand how it actually looks.
Music in the background adds to the process of shooting something mysterious, even mystical. Be sure to share this great video with friends!
The most popular "divorce" cops and how to protect yourself from them.
Kids again uchudili something incredible. The reaction of their father - priceless!