Here's how to cope with all the ill-wishers! Invaluable advice from the Marie Curie Einstein.
November 11, 1911 the famous scientist Maria Sklodowska-Curie was a few steps from receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. As you know, my first prize she won back in 1903 in physics. So getting a new award meant that the Curie will be the first person in the world who won two Nobel prizes. Today, Marie Curie and remains the sole owner of the two famous awards. Although Maria Sklodowska-Curie in the long run interest of both scientists and the public felt a special interest in her personal life, and was not averse to delve into the dirty linen of the famous person.
You know from school that Pierre Curie died in 1906, leaving Mary a widow. A few years later, Marie Curie began an affair with Paul Langevin, who was a former graduate student of her husband. Although at the time Paul was formally married, he took the risk. Between scientists began a romantic relationship. It is worth noting that this seemed an insignificant affair caused constant quarrels in the house Langevin. But it was just a drop in the bucket compared to the scandal, which on this occasion has arranged the public.
In the fall of 1911 Curie, Langevin, and 20 more respected in the world of science researchers were personally invited to the large-scale scientific conference, which was held in Brussels. Shortly before that, with the help of his wife Fields with a personal love letter correspondence between Curie and Langevin were in the hands of the media. Langevin's wife called the Curie destroyer of their marriage.
Once Curie after conference returned home to France, she met her frenzied crowd. These angry people surrounded her house and intimidated her daughters. The youngest of them at that time was only 7 and older - 14 years. Curie even had time to move out of their home with their young daughters, is inflamed scandal died down.
This is an astrobiologist David Grinspoon found in the personal archives of scientists. Albert Einstein, who the day before during a scientific conference in Brussels met with Marie Curie, such violent actions by the public and the media inspired only disgust, which later made him write a whole letter to his new friend:
«Dear Madame Curie, i>
Please do not laugh at my decision to write to you. Admittedly, nothing expedient I will tell you now is not. But I was enraged swinish behavior of the public in relation to you. I simply could not keep quiet about it - I need to let off steam and give vent to their emotions. However, I am convinced that such a considerate man like you, themselves, and never mind the fact that about it write, whether laudatory ode or a scandal that pretend to be a sensation. I>
I must tell you that I admire your intelligence, charisma and energy that you radiate, and your honesty and in truth, I was immensely pleased to be able to personally meet with you then in Brussels. I'll tell you more ... All those who do not belong to one of these reptiles, too happy that all have the privilege to be familiar with such great people like you and Paul. If this scandal you will still go on, and these geeks and will not leave you alone, I will give you a tip: just close your eyes to all this and do not see all this nonsense. It is better to leave it to those reptiles, for whom it was created. I>
With best wishes Your sincere friend of Albert Einstein ». i>
It's been more than 100 years, but some things never change ... the Council, which gave Curie, Albert Einstein - is still very relevant. You should not casting pearls before swine. You always have to be a man, but at the same time have a sense of self-esteem. Nobody has the right to go into your personal life, or give you praise. Share this invaluable letter with your friends.
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You know from school that Pierre Curie died in 1906, leaving Mary a widow. A few years later, Marie Curie began an affair with Paul Langevin, who was a former graduate student of her husband. Although at the time Paul was formally married, he took the risk. Between scientists began a romantic relationship. It is worth noting that this seemed an insignificant affair caused constant quarrels in the house Langevin. But it was just a drop in the bucket compared to the scandal, which on this occasion has arranged the public.
In the fall of 1911 Curie, Langevin, and 20 more respected in the world of science researchers were personally invited to the large-scale scientific conference, which was held in Brussels. Shortly before that, with the help of his wife Fields with a personal love letter correspondence between Curie and Langevin were in the hands of the media. Langevin's wife called the Curie destroyer of their marriage.
Once Curie after conference returned home to France, she met her frenzied crowd. These angry people surrounded her house and intimidated her daughters. The youngest of them at that time was only 7 and older - 14 years. Curie even had time to move out of their home with their young daughters, is inflamed scandal died down.
This is an astrobiologist David Grinspoon found in the personal archives of scientists. Albert Einstein, who the day before during a scientific conference in Brussels met with Marie Curie, such violent actions by the public and the media inspired only disgust, which later made him write a whole letter to his new friend:
«Dear Madame Curie, i>
Please do not laugh at my decision to write to you. Admittedly, nothing expedient I will tell you now is not. But I was enraged swinish behavior of the public in relation to you. I simply could not keep quiet about it - I need to let off steam and give vent to their emotions. However, I am convinced that such a considerate man like you, themselves, and never mind the fact that about it write, whether laudatory ode or a scandal that pretend to be a sensation. I>
I must tell you that I admire your intelligence, charisma and energy that you radiate, and your honesty and in truth, I was immensely pleased to be able to personally meet with you then in Brussels. I'll tell you more ... All those who do not belong to one of these reptiles, too happy that all have the privilege to be familiar with such great people like you and Paul. If this scandal you will still go on, and these geeks and will not leave you alone, I will give you a tip: just close your eyes to all this and do not see all this nonsense. It is better to leave it to those reptiles, for whom it was created. I>
With best wishes Your sincere friend of Albert Einstein ». i>
It's been more than 100 years, but some things never change ... the Council, which gave Curie, Albert Einstein - is still very relevant. You should not casting pearls before swine. You always have to be a man, but at the same time have a sense of self-esteem. Nobody has the right to go into your personal life, or give you praise. Share this invaluable letter with your friends.
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