The reverse side of a Nobel medal! Personal belongings of Marie Curie is still fraught with danger ...
Great men are not born often. And if they also are a married couple, then such a union exactly blessed in heaven. I mean, Maria Sklodowska-Curie and her husband Pierre. This is the greatest scientists of world renown. Marie Curie was the first scientist who was awarded with two Nobel prizes: in 1903 in physics and in 1911 for chemistry. The woman died in 1934 of leukemia, which caused frequent experiments with radioactive elements. In 1995, Pierre and Marie Curie were reburied in the French Pantheon, thus emphasizing their importance for the history of France. But even after the death of Marie Curie, we can not forget about the conditions in which she and her husband committed his great discoveries.
The fact that the personal belongings of the scientist, her furniture, books, laboratory records, etc. are stored in the National Library in Paris. But before you read them, visitors are required to wear protective clothing and sign a special form, in which they confirm that they are aware of the danger lies in wait. But the fact is that the half-life of radium-226, which is discovered and identified the Curies is 1 600 years. This means that only after 1, 5 Goals Activity radiation personal items Marie Curie decreased in 2 times.
In addition, Maria Curie buried simultaneously in three coffins: a wooden, lead and another timber. When in 1995 her remains moved to the Pantheon, then we make measurements of radiation in the inner coffin. It turned out that it is still higher than the rate of approximately 30 times.
That's what had to sacrifice the great minds of mankind in order to move science forward. Tell us about the heroism of Marie Curie your friends, even more people will begin to admire this man.
via ofigenno.cc

The fact that the personal belongings of the scientist, her furniture, books, laboratory records, etc. are stored in the National Library in Paris. But before you read them, visitors are required to wear protective clothing and sign a special form, in which they confirm that they are aware of the danger lies in wait. But the fact is that the half-life of radium-226, which is discovered and identified the Curies is 1 600 years. This means that only after 1, 5 Goals Activity radiation personal items Marie Curie decreased in 2 times.

In addition, Maria Curie buried simultaneously in three coffins: a wooden, lead and another timber. When in 1995 her remains moved to the Pantheon, then we make measurements of radiation in the inner coffin. It turned out that it is still higher than the rate of approximately 30 times.

That's what had to sacrifice the great minds of mankind in order to move science forward. Tell us about the heroism of Marie Curie your friends, even more people will begin to admire this man.
via ofigenno.cc
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