11 unusual break in relations, after which would not want to "remain friends."

Human life is arranged in such a way that we find someone who we like, fall in love with him and it seems that going to spend the rest of my life with him and die in one day. Unfortunately, not always things are going well, as we would like: Love passes, pink glasses fall off, and our passion is suddenly a whole set of deficiencies that we are not going to stand it any longer.

Even worse, if we suddenly learn that a loved one was not quite true to us. Immediately there is a desire to part with it and do it in some extraordinary way. Some people are particularly resourceful in this matter. Today we'll show you some of their creations.

1. These kisses and hearts look threatening. B>

2. "Hi, Steven.
Can I at least now a moment of your attention?
I know everything about her, you dirty, sneaky, immoral, wrong, close the bag of crap. All captured on camera.
Your (almost former) wife,
PS: For the billboard, I paid the money out of our bank account GENERAL ». B>

3. Hocus Pocus. B>

4. But there is nothing to be stupid. B>

5. It is a logical conclusion. B>

6. Oh, the ass ...

7. "Between us everything is over». B>

8. Hint: it is unlikely to want to "remain friends». B>

9. "Steve Fraser, you have thrown both your girls». B>

Oops. No luck ...

10. Failed saved. B>

11. We are parting, and this should know everything. B>

Life is too short to spend it on those who you do not really fit or not too faithful to you. Therefore, the best time to let go and to go towards a new life. And if you did really hurt - a little harmless revenge still not be superfluous.

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