25 pairs of lovers of birds that will melt even the coldest heart. Love is everywhere!
«Love is everywhere ...» («Love is everywhere ...") - sung in one famous song. Indeed, wherever you looked - everything around is full of harmony and unity of reverence for this great feeling. Today, many lost faith in the high feeling nonetheless love - is a powerful force that governs this world. What would you do, if you do it without love - it does not make sense.
No wonder people say "coo like doves", "Swan fidelity". Apparently, these birds are no less than we are capable of deep feelings and know what dedication and care about someone you love. Look at these lovely valentine nestlings - and you, too, want to love and be loved. They will melt even the coldest heart!
cooing doves.
perfect couple.
Hot Kiss.
Appointment under the moon.
Under the caring wing.
Hand in hand together.
In the native shoulder.
The harmony of love.
Paradise pleasure.
Swan fidelity.
«Well, let kiss ...»
«Life will share with you his ...»
The feelings are warm.
two of a kind.
Sweet kiss.
Everything we do, we do together.
Family disassembly.
Romantic dance.
Love idyll.
The Art of Loving.
«integrally to death ...»
Now is not the "I" and "we are» ...
And let the whole world wait ...
How much tenderness in all these pictures! And you still do not believe that animals are capable of love? You say they are guided only instincts? I think these pictures to convince you otherwise. Share all your favorite people all the gamut of feelings and emotions, which are capable of these small birds. It will not leave your relatives indifferent!
via ofigenno ru
No wonder people say "coo like doves", "Swan fidelity". Apparently, these birds are no less than we are capable of deep feelings and know what dedication and care about someone you love. Look at these lovely valentine nestlings - and you, too, want to love and be loved. They will melt even the coldest heart!
cooing doves.

perfect couple.

Hot Kiss.

Appointment under the moon.

Under the caring wing.

Hand in hand together.

In the native shoulder.

The harmony of love.

Paradise pleasure.

Swan fidelity.


«Well, let kiss ...»

«Life will share with you his ...»

The feelings are warm.

two of a kind.

Sweet kiss.

Everything we do, we do together.


Family disassembly.

Romantic dance.

Love idyll.

The Art of Loving.

«integrally to death ...»

Now is not the "I" and "we are» ...

And let the whole world wait ...

How much tenderness in all these pictures! And you still do not believe that animals are capable of love? You say they are guided only instincts? I think these pictures to convince you otherwise. Share all your favorite people all the gamut of feelings and emotions, which are capable of these small birds. It will not leave your relatives indifferent!
via ofigenno ru
It revealed the secret of making dollars. I never thought that they are doing so!
13 optical illusions, after watching that you will cease to believe your eyes!