This boy is a rare disease, but despite this, he has made the most outstanding success!
The extraordinary power of the spirit of this boy is amazing. Few people in his position would remain so optimistic and purposeful. Despite the lack of legs, this kid was not discouraged, and achieve their goals at any cost. All have a self-control and self-control.
Cody MakKaslandu was diagnosed. The child found a kind of sacral agenesis. To give the boy a chance to learn how to walk with the help of prostheses, doctors insisted on amputation of the legs.
The right leg absent tibia and patella, leading to inability to maintain and bend the leg. The left leg does not bend. The doctors said that the surgery would improve his left foot, but did not give any guarantees. B>
Parents Cody took a chance and agreed to the amputation, when the baby was 15 months.
Two months after surgery the boy had put his first prosthesis and immediately learned with them to manage than surprised not only his parents, but also doctors.
At 9 years old this child is already 19 artificial legs, designed for different types of activities.
With their help, he can participate in many sports, where it is often possible to defeat their healthy peers.
Cody MakKasland dreams of victory in the Paralympic Games.
His favorite sports are jogging, football, hockey, swimming. In the future, the boy sees himself as a successful doctor. B>
This incredible child can become an example for all of us. It reaffirms the fact that no matter what happened to you, what matters is how you react to it.
via ofigenno ru
Cody MakKaslandu was diagnosed. The child found a kind of sacral agenesis. To give the boy a chance to learn how to walk with the help of prostheses, doctors insisted on amputation of the legs.
The right leg absent tibia and patella, leading to inability to maintain and bend the leg. The left leg does not bend. The doctors said that the surgery would improve his left foot, but did not give any guarantees. B>
Parents Cody took a chance and agreed to the amputation, when the baby was 15 months.
Two months after surgery the boy had put his first prosthesis and immediately learned with them to manage than surprised not only his parents, but also doctors.
At 9 years old this child is already 19 artificial legs, designed for different types of activities.
With their help, he can participate in many sports, where it is often possible to defeat their healthy peers.
Cody MakKasland dreams of victory in the Paralympic Games.
His favorite sports are jogging, football, hockey, swimming. In the future, the boy sees himself as a successful doctor. B>
This incredible child can become an example for all of us. It reaffirms the fact that no matter what happened to you, what matters is how you react to it.
via ofigenno ru
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