These 20 pictures make you cry with laughter! Lethal dose of positivity.
Sense of humor - that's what saves our people, it would seem, even the most complex and difficult times. They say that it is inherited. Like it or not, our people know that a good laugh can not only when watching a Hollywood comedy, or another comic show. Everyday life itself throws us a situation in which it is simply impossible not to laugh. And if there is near the sharp-tongued person who is able to point to comment on everything that happens, the effect is enhanced by a factor of ten.
We offer to your attention a selection of photos that make you roll with laughter. Moreover, the pictures - it's not so bad. Because there is always clever to be able to find a suitable so clearly label them. Folk art has no limits ... Try to watch until the end, and not die of laughter!
Well, as you selection? In room 11, I had tears streaming down with laughter ... And, I agree that in most cases does not help smiling at the photos themselves, namely the inscriptions on them. And there is someone to notice the talent so thin. I envy white envy such people!
Share with your friends Carbon these photos, even a positive charge for the whole day or even a week!
via ofigenno ru
We offer to your attention a selection of photos that make you roll with laughter. Moreover, the pictures - it's not so bad. Because there is always clever to be able to find a suitable so clearly label them. Folk art has no limits ... Try to watch until the end, and not die of laughter!

Well, as you selection? In room 11, I had tears streaming down with laughter ... And, I agree that in most cases does not help smiling at the photos themselves, namely the inscriptions on them. And there is someone to notice the talent so thin. I envy white envy such people!
Share with your friends Carbon these photos, even a positive charge for the whole day or even a week!
via ofigenno ru
30 exciting 3D-art masterpieces, which will destroy the line between fantasy and reality ...
If you notice such in the eyes of his children - urgently go with him to the doctor until it's too late!