14 most famous celebrities who never change. Year of them only to face!
The legendary icon of style and beauty - Sophia Loren once said: «It's hard to be irresistible, if you are lazy». I> Indeed, beauty requires sacrifice. To look at 100, you need to certainly make a lot of effort, because time creeps unnoticed and can instantly steal your former youthful charm. But the stars of the big screen for putting on the Olympus of Fame. They certainly know what it's like to be on top and never give up their positions. It's 14 most famous stars, over which time has absolutely no power. This probably lucky known the secret of eternal youth, and they have long tried her elixir. Year pets this fate only to face!
Forever young Will Smith.
Jamie Foxx fresh one.
Jay-Z. The older and more impressive! B>
Charming Halle Berry has not lost its luster in the eyes ...
Kate Winslet have added even more charm!
Jared Leto still with a spark in his eyes ...
Julianne Moore, from which breathes and positive energy.
Meryl Streep seems to unravel the secret of youth.
Rock diva and a teenager in the shower - Avril Lavigne.
Eva Mendes only increased over the years, the taste ...
Jennifer Aniston. Every year, just beautiful! B>
It seems that Elijah Wood will never grow old!
Outstanding Beyonce still will handicap any young canary!
The youth Neil Patrick Harris.
Stars are not born, they become. Beauty - it's hard work on himself. These people are constantly under the eye of cameras and know that wherever they are, should always look the best. Show me an example of this colossal work on yourself to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
Forever young Will Smith.
Jamie Foxx fresh one.
Jay-Z. The older and more impressive! B>
Charming Halle Berry has not lost its luster in the eyes ...
Kate Winslet have added even more charm!
Jared Leto still with a spark in his eyes ...
Julianne Moore, from which breathes and positive energy.
Meryl Streep seems to unravel the secret of youth.
Rock diva and a teenager in the shower - Avril Lavigne.
Eva Mendes only increased over the years, the taste ...
Jennifer Aniston. Every year, just beautiful! B>
It seems that Elijah Wood will never grow old!
Outstanding Beyonce still will handicap any young canary!
The youth Neil Patrick Harris.
Stars are not born, they become. Beauty - it's hard work on himself. These people are constantly under the eye of cameras and know that wherever they are, should always look the best. Show me an example of this colossal work on yourself to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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