30 ochumitelnyh fotobomb animals in the title role. Even though stand, though fall!
If I was a photographer, I probably would have involved shooting animals. As for me, it's a win-win. With people, things are much more complicated: you have to choose the right lighting, a nice view, a suitable position and not to forget a host of other conditions, to make a truly worthwhile picture. With our smaller brethren, as a rule, do not have to suffer. The pictures they had bribed its immediacy. Some people, for example, do not like to be photographed. They now and then have to persuade. And the animals in this plan more daring. They do not need a special invitation - they vlezut into the frame.
It fotobomb 30 from the series "And you were not expecting us, and we cornered!" With animals in the title role. In my opinion, these Centerfolds its unsurpassed charm eclipsed people!
Come on, open your mouth and say, "Am»!
Hey, dog, you slavish nature ...
Apocalypse descended.
There is something suspicious in his smile ...
Hey, man, there are some few kopecks?
Christ I pray God, take me away!
He laughs best who laughs last.
Family idyll.
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe ...
Let me just go out ... blame yourself!
The boy, come quickly! The trouble with these women ...
What a lovely dress the color of new grass!
I against this union!
What is your sweets these muck!
The evil you bad. I'll leave up to you! B>
Guess what is wrong.
How bolt from the blue!
What can you do Tuzik itch ...
It seems that someone is preparing terror.
Against nature not trample!
Bobby decided to show off the Hollywood smile ...
The enemy does not sleep.
You is ... wait for me!
It looks like a cat's conspiracy ...
Rex meat not feed, allow to stick his nose into other people's business.
Some people urgently need to be vaccinated against rabies ...
introduced me to this striped beauty!
Who is it?
The dark force.
It should only be lit little red light on the camera - and ...
Somehow even I do not dare to say that these cuties spoiled frame. Once again, look at those eyes, are they capable of it ?! No of course! Share these pictures ochumitelnymi our little brothers with all animal lovers!
via ofigenno ru
It fotobomb 30 from the series "And you were not expecting us, and we cornered!" With animals in the title role. In my opinion, these Centerfolds its unsurpassed charm eclipsed people!
Come on, open your mouth and say, "Am»!

Hey, dog, you slavish nature ...

Apocalypse descended.

There is something suspicious in his smile ...

Hey, man, there are some few kopecks?

Christ I pray God, take me away!

He laughs best who laughs last.

Family idyll.

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe ...

Let me just go out ... blame yourself!

The boy, come quickly! The trouble with these women ...

What a lovely dress the color of new grass!

I against this union!

What is your sweets these muck!

The evil you bad. I'll leave up to you! B>
Guess what is wrong.

How bolt from the blue!

What can you do Tuzik itch ...

It seems that someone is preparing terror.

Against nature not trample!
Bobby decided to show off the Hollywood smile ...

The enemy does not sleep.

You is ... wait for me!

It looks like a cat's conspiracy ...

Rex meat not feed, allow to stick his nose into other people's business.

Some people urgently need to be vaccinated against rabies ...

introduced me to this striped beauty!

Who is it?

The dark force.

It should only be lit little red light on the camera - and ...

Somehow even I do not dare to say that these cuties spoiled frame. Once again, look at those eyes, are they capable of it ?! No of course! Share these pictures ochumitelnymi our little brothers with all animal lovers!
via ofigenno ru
He is armed with a stun and a camera and created an incredibly emotional photographing ...
15 messages, which can write only real men.