19 killer jokes about children who will appreciate any parent. But in each family are all the same ...
Children - are the flowers of life. Many people like to add to this phrase continued "at the grave of his parents." Still, with the advent of the child in the adult life of the house it becomes much brighter, more colorful and interesting. How many women are joking: "Before pregnancy, I was sleeping on his stomach during pregnancy - on the side, and with the advent of the child - I can even sleep standing up." It was during the upbringing of the child at the moms and dads and opened a second wind from nowhere, new superpowers. Simultaneously lull the baby in his arms, talking on the phone with the work left leg trying to move up the stroller and the right feeling for the fallen botinochek kid - not an easy task! However, as a rule, and you do not have time to blink an eye, and your favorite child is already in school, and even later - gives you grandchildren ...
So enjoy life to the pain these cards now. Or in those blessed moments when your baby is sleeping or watching your favorite cartoon.
And though we are all so different, these cards, many have learned yourself and your family, is not it? According to "parents with experience," no matter how many toys the child may be, loved ones still remain remote, wires, telephone and pans ... he smiled - to plant and another on the drug of happiness, share selection in their news section. For anyone who is the proud title of "parent", this will be most important.
via ofigenno ru
So enjoy life to the pain these cards now. Or in those blessed moments when your baby is sleeping or watching your favorite cartoon.

And though we are all so different, these cards, many have learned yourself and your family, is not it? According to "parents with experience," no matter how many toys the child may be, loved ones still remain remote, wires, telephone and pans ... he smiled - to plant and another on the drug of happiness, share selection in their news section. For anyone who is the proud title of "parent", this will be most important.
via ofigenno ru
The man shot himself every year for 35 years ... the last frame - just super!
So veterans looked KVN in his youth: 19 photos of people who still give us a smile.