Fawn drowned during the flood. This guy sacrificed his own life for the sake of the baby ...
After a long heavy rain not far away from the county Nokhali in the People's Republic of Bangladesh started severe flooding. In a matter of hours the streets of this godforsaken place turned into raging rivers. A guy named Bilal happened to be nearby when he saw in the rapid water flow is something alive. It was a small deer that strayed from his family and fell into the river. Bilal could not look like a pipsqueak is dying right in front of him, so the boy without thinking twice rushed to help the poor animal.
Bilal the speed of sound swam to deer.
He took the baby in his hands and is floated from the river, held it over his head.
Witnesses of the incident have been thought that the fragile kid will not be able to reach the shore with the fawn.
Fortunately, Bilal managed to do it!
this little Bambi would not be alive ...
But the young hero in time to come to his aid.
As Bilal was able to swim to fawn on the other side of the river, he wanted to help the baby to be reunited with his family.
Red-Nosed Reindeer was all wet for a long time and was in a state of shock.
But he soon recovered and rose to his feet.
How it turned out, the deer family has been waiting for the prodigal little son.
If the world had more helpful people such as this young man named Bilal, life would be much easier. Perhaps the life among people with a good heart - it's still not a utopia? And you would have jumped into the turbulent river to save a little deer? You do not have to answer. It's so ... the question to your conscience. Be sure to share this incredible story with your friends.
Bilal the speed of sound swam to deer.

He took the baby in his hands and is floated from the river, held it over his head.

Witnesses of the incident have been thought that the fragile kid will not be able to reach the shore with the fawn.

Fortunately, Bilal managed to do it!

this little Bambi would not be alive ...

But the young hero in time to come to his aid.

As Bilal was able to swim to fawn on the other side of the river, he wanted to help the baby to be reunited with his family.

Red-Nosed Reindeer was all wet for a long time and was in a state of shock.

But he soon recovered and rose to his feet.

How it turned out, the deer family has been waiting for the prodigal little son.

If the world had more helpful people such as this young man named Bilal, life would be much easier. Perhaps the life among people with a good heart - it's still not a utopia? And you would have jumped into the turbulent river to save a little deer? You do not have to answer. It's so ... the question to your conscience. Be sure to share this incredible story with your friends.
Without such colorful characters it would be boring! 30 desperate fashionistas of the St. Petersburg metro.
Fawn drowned during the flood. This guy sacrificed his own life for the sake of the baby ...